Biggest April Fools Joke i ever fell for...

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago (edited)

Stubborn-Town Fools in the making

A Silverbloggers Blog Of The Month

The hospital in Stubborn-Town was rebuild, actually, a new one was put on the hill. It was the reason my family came to this town. Dad got a good new job there. I was 8 years old.

In the local newspaper there was much talking about all this. Many where not happy at all that they abandoned the old buildings. Every now and then a local "celebrity" (often enough politicians) had to give another rambling about all that. Until a few years in, the day came and it was decided that it will be renovated to be used as a retirement home.

Happiness and agreement all over. The newspaper wrote about the good news and in the coming weeks, started to explain all the steps of the what's, when's and if's. The whole town was kinda moving to that beat, even at school we had to talk and write about it.

In all that information river one day the local news informed us, that in about two weeks on a Wednesday the Swiss army will come with two helicopters to move two small buildings. Wow, that was a huge thing... we got even off from school that day.

On the day at the announced time you could see a lot of Stubborn-Town being there to see that spectacle. Then...

No helicopters, ha.... just the photographer of the local paper and one of the "celebrities"
to inform folks that it wont be, since it's the first of April.

Hahahahahaha... we all where not careful enough to see that one coming.


Image by Muhammad Nasir from Pixabay



All content is my own intellectual "property", otherwise you'll see a source indicated !

Traduction Française

Des têtus en devenir

Un Blog du mois de Silverbloggers

L'hôpital de Stubborn-Town a été reconstruit, en fait, un nouvel hôpital a été construit sur la colline. C'est la raison pour laquelle ma famille est venue s'installer dans cette ville. Mon père y a trouvé un bon emploi. J'avais 8 ans.

Dans le journal local, on parlait beaucoup de ce chantier. Plein de monde n'étaient pas du tout contents qu'ils aient abandonné les vieux bâtiments. De temps en temps, une "célébrité" locale (assez souvent des politiciens) devait faire une autre divagation à ce sujet. Jusqu'à ce que, quelques années plus tard, il soit décidé de rénover le bâtiment pour en faire une maison de retraite.

La joie et l'entente sont au rendez-vous. Le journal a parlé de la bonne nouvelle et, dans les semaines qui ont suivi, a commencé à expliquer toutes les étapes du "quoi", du "quand" et du "si jamais". Toute la ville s'est mise au diapason, même à l'école, nous devions en parler et écrire sur le sujet.

Dans toute cette rivière d'informations, un jour, les nouvelles locales nous ont informés que dans environ deux semaines, un mercredi, l'armée suisse viendrait avec deux hélicoptères pour déplacer deux petits bâtiments. C'était énorme... nous avons même été dispensés d'école ce jour-là.

Le jour même, à l'heure annoncée, on pouvait voir une bonne partie de Stubborn-Town venir assister à ce spectacle. Et puis...

Pas d'hélicoptères, ha.... juste le photographe du journal local et l'une des "célébrités" pour informer les gens que ce ne sera pas, puisque c'est le premier avril.

Hahahahaha... nous n'avons pas été assez prudents pour le voir venir.


...𝔻𝕀𝕊ℂ𝕆𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕐 𝟚𝟝...
...!discovery 25...


I think there is more to this ...

Hehehe... indeed. But that story is for another day. 😏😎

 2 months ago  

Oh my word @mondoshawan, that was a good one, and the whole town fell for it!

I've been trying my utmost to remember some April Fool's jokes played on me, but can only remember some that were broadcast from our local radio station, and some on the morning newspaper headlines.

I think it's time I started writing about this, as some memories may then come back!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Dan.

Hehehe... that story wasn't actually finished. But that's for another day.
Sunny Sunday to you too dear Lizzie

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Captured town! Good to laugh later, not so.



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Been a while since you were active mate, hope you come back to hive soon!

Now that's nice of you, thanks Eric... though it just looks like i'm not around.

Most of the stuff i do is in the background, not really visible. Like doing back office stuff for the #silverbloggers or giving some helping hand with/like #lightworker @wesphilbin for example.

And maybe... 😏🤐

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Hmmm, btw, why would you even start an interaction on a post of mine and then not even respond to a respond?! You definitely know your way around hive, so why this?!

Ah, i see i'm not the only one getting a quick comment - talking more $leo stuff then actually being interested in what we have to say?! Yes?

Is that some sort of a new way of "marketing" for Hive inLeo, the #1 web3 social media platform?!

Anyways, thanks. It was fun to finally talk to a wall you, for once! Lots of Light & Healthiness Eric. 👋

I don't reply every day on Hive! Just checking my replies right now lol, but it seems you got mad at me for not replying as fast as possible 🤣

Is that some sort of a new way of "marketing" for Hive inLeo, the #1 web3 social media platform?!

In an ecosystem where everyone is so immersed in their little bubble, yes, a quick comment letting people know about something that otherwise they would never, ever, ever find out about, is a good way of putting something out there.

Either way, glad you are back in town, it had been almost a month since you were around and I'm glad you are still a hive user - we need users, our social side of the chain is not growing, it is shrinking

You will never have enough energy to make me mad, that's a silly supposition of your mind... #justSaying

Nice of you to use bot-automation to let everyone get a little message when they weren't online enough, in your opinion. That was probably part off why is was thinking that you missed interacting, for you still commented all the time since.

Have you thought that may all this bot stuff is a part of the shrinking of Hive too?! For if you really would have check on my blog, you would actually know that i'm more offline then online... seems that you don't have enough time for that, i surely can relate to that.

And IMHO, inLeo doesn't really have the capacity to be the #1 web3 social media platform, first off for the reason that it actually "kicks the balls" of Hive with that phrase.

It maybe could become #2, if Hive solves all the arrogance and bullying of their self-proclaimed kings and queens and becomes the real number one. But i guess you know that too.

So if ever you, or should i say your bot, got the feeling i may need to know that it was too long that nobody had a chance to overlook my blog - pretty please, just let it go and accept that i do what i want, when i want and how i want.

Or start interacting for real and read what i publish... that would actually be awesome.
Thanks anyways.

It wasn't a bot, if you notice, I only left that message to around 2-3 people that I noticed hadn't been around for a while now, and I mentioned hive, not leo. But nope, it was me manually writing the comment - I don't even know how to bot on hive.

"kicks the balls" of Hive with that phrase.

Imho, Hive is a database, not a social network, the dapps built on top of the blockchain are the social platforms. Hivers thinking Hive can be the #1 social media platform is narrow minded and very low ambition driven. Hive is a powerful chain that has much more capabilities than just being a frontend. InLeo, Ecency, Peakd, Liketu... those are social media platforms, and if any of those platforms wants to be the #1 DeSo, Hivers shouldn't get mad at this, maybe we should support them - if any platform goes viral, Hive grows.

But i guess you know that too.

I don't know it, because again

becomes the real number one

Because again, Hive is not a social media platform, it is a on-chain database that dapps can leverage to offer an on-chain social media platform.

I honestly wish Hivers stopped thinking like its 2017 - this is not aimed at you btw, it's aimed at all the people who think Hive will go viral just because we want it to, instead of putting in the work to make any frontend/social platform get adopted.

make me mad

I didn't try to make you made, btw, why would I, makes no sense


Someone got really mad xD