🚛 Big Rig Nearly Goes Over The Cliff ⛰️ & Other Cambodian Things 🐈‍⬛



On the way to Thmor Da recently I noticed that a big rig had crashed into the guard rail and nearly fallen over the edge of a cliff.

🚛 China Won't Be Happy 😠

     I saw this crash from a distance as I was headed down one of the mountain passes we must traverse to go anywhere else other than our village with around 50 people or so. I got my phone ready for shots, began driving the tuk-tuk with one hand, and managed to snag a few shots as we passed. I immediately noticed the Chinese logo and paint scheme because an endless stream of these big rigs passes our house each day, headed towards the massive casino project the CCCP is building on the border with Thailand where our kids go to school.


     The trailer seemed to be okay, perhaps even the mechanics of the truck, but the cab looked to have rocketed towards the sky and smashed itself against the front of the trailer. This is probably more damage than a Cambodian truck driver can save in 10 years, so I would assume the Chinese bosses won't be happy with the driver. Luckily it didn't go over the cliff, but the truck was headed uphill, and in this section the trucks move at a snail's pace.


     It's gonna be a hard sale for the driver to convince the VIP bossman that he didn't fall asleep while driving. Luckily it didn't go over the cliff, but the truck was headed uphill, and in this section the trucks move at a snail's pace. It's gonna be a hard sale for the driver to convince the VIP bossman that he didn't fall asleep while driving.

🐈‍⬛ Meow's Closed Door Obsession 🚪

     ChairWoman Meow has an obsession that I have only recently come to realize, and that obsession is closed doors. In the brick house she would always claw at our bedroom door anytime we closed it, but we had always assumed it was because she wanted in the room. Whenever we opened the door she would lose interest. Now in the cabin she always waits outside the bathroom when we take showers, I assumed because she liked the sounds and steam coming from under the door.


     I recently found myself home alone and decided to take a shower with the door open, and what do you know, Meow didn't go near the bathroom. This leads me to believe she has an obsession with closed doors, or perhaps being left out of the action. Shame is every time the shower taker opens the door, Meow gets smashed against the wall and usually gets her paws trapped under the door.


     I never thought I would become a cat lady, but somehow I became one despite being a man. To truly be an old cat lady though, I think you need to have at least 10 cats, so that won't likely happen anytime in the near future. ChairWoman Meow wouldn't allow any other cats to share her domain anyhow because now she is no longer a little kitty, but a grown catters that sometimes fights instead of fleeing.

☮️ Peace, Love, & Bob Dill 🥒


     In my hometown of Princeton, Indiana, there was/is a local man named Bob Dill that has become a bit of a town legend. My step-uncle has a pyrotechnician's license and makes his own fireworks, some of which he used to test in non-OSHA approved ways with the help of Bob Dill. Bob Dill basically invented the concept of Jackass long before the tv show existed, and he is a little bit IQ-challenged. Last time I was in the USA I was gifted a Bob Dill shirt for my daughter to wear, on it the expression that many people in my town use as a goodbye, "Peace, love, and Bod Dill."


Monkey B
 5 months ago  

a large truck crashed into a fence which almost fell, this really endangered his life, hopefully there are no victims, you were very cute when you took a photo with your beloved cat, it was a beautiful moment.

 5 months ago  

I don't think anyone was injured in the accident, but the owner of the company will not be happy with his driver. Our cat is such a sweetheart, she brings a lot of joy every day.

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 5 months ago  


 6 months ago  

Is been a while seeing you sir. Your cat loves to take selfie. Well my doggy doesnt like taking photos. No idea why lol.

 5 months ago  

Life has been very busy and I've had little time for anything beyond ASEAN Hive duties, but I hope to get back to posting blogs regularly again. Maybe Herry can take better photos if some tasty treats are involved, haha.

 5 months ago  

Totally understand that sir. But sometimes they say busy is good rather than nothing to do. Is ok take care whatever is important first. Thank you so much for sparing your free time for ASEAN HIVE as well. Definitely will have more about Herry coming up soon.

 5 months ago  

ASEAN HIve is a labor of love, and that is thanks to you all who make this community so awesome. Looking forward to more Herry adventures....

 5 months ago  

Thank you for the guidance and love over these year too sir. Herry adventure incoming sir.

ChairWoman Meow looking like the real boss there!

 5 months ago  

She has us wrapped around her finger, but we try not to let her know.