My Running Gag with Notch: HCF

in #0x10c3 years ago

About 9 years ago, Notch was working on a sub-project called DCPU-16 for a game he later abanodned called 0x10^c. At the time, he was taking suggestions for opcodes, so I posted a suggestion:

Notch replied:

~~~ embed:dcpu16/comments/ssdny/hcf_opcode_use_sparingly/c4gkgm3/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 reddit metadata:fGRjcHUxNnxodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvZGNwdTE2L2NvbW1lbnRzL3NzZG55L2hjZl9vcGNvZGVfdXNlX3NwYXJpbmdseS9jNGdrZ20zLz91dG1fc291cmNlPXJlZGRpdCZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXdlYjJ4JmNvbnRleHQ9M3w= ~~~

Fast-forward 9 years later:

~~~ embed:1397095211369594886 twitter metadata:aW5lcnRpYTE4Nnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9pbmVydGlhMTg2L3N0YXR1cy8xMzk3MDk1MjExMzY5NTk0ODg2fA== ~~~

To this day, you can still find the opcode in the more complete implementations, along with my helpful documentation:


I can’t even lie, I think my first foray into coding was JavaScript when I was 11 setting up a minecraft server. I do owe the man a bit 🤣

That was probably Java, then.

Yes it was! Definitely inspired me to get involved with some other bits, so glad I banged out about 8 hours a day of it when I was younger 😂

Ahahaha this is brilliant do you know what he’s working on atm, that man used to be a god in his time.