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RE: 2020 Pacific Northwest on Fire..

in #20204 years ago

The Creek fire by Yosemite is where I grew up. My Dad had been ready to bolt and I saw a video today of my high school science teacher driving her tractor down the road to Oakhurst as her wife followed in the rv with belongings.

The entire west coast is on fire it seems but there is a big human part to play. Forest mismanagement has lead to the massive amount of fuels low enough for fires to burn. Forests need regular low level fires to burn the undergrowth out and California has been the antithesis of proactive in that manner.

Pretty crazy the Yakima train trestle burning down.


Wow, Yosemite is such a beautiful place it is heartbreaking.

Regarding the forest mismanagement I agree and also they are arresting arsonists today all over the place in WA and think there might be a connection.