
in Hive Gaming6 months ago

Been a while since I've posted anything, especially something gaming related other than @holozing :P

but it was time to get back into some gameplay as it's been too many weeks mainly working and organizing Holo stuff. I logged back into CS2 after an update and found my rank missing, queued for some ranked games and had quite a lot of fun. Here's the gameplay video for those who enjoy some FPS!

PS. I started off very slow and bad but it got a little better eventually! :p


So much memories.
I played allllloooot at CSS while I was at the high school. I was in an Italian team, called P-Fighters, doing ESL competitions and a lot of weekly tournaments and trainings.

I see very nice new maps and also the graphics seems improved a little bit

It is nice to see that you were able to find time to relax and unwind after working nonstop on Holozing. CS will always have a special place in my heart since it is one of the games I played a lot with friends during school breaks.

Ah yes. Sometimes, you just need to take a break, relax, ...and play a highly-stressful killing simulator. 😆

What a great comeback brother! Unbelievable how you were able to turn it around 13 - 10, you guys were doing really bad as cops. Nice that you won on the Vertigo map, which by the way is one of my favorites, just today I also uploaded a Counter Strike 2 video haha but on Nuke, awesome coincidence. I definitely don't like Ancient at all, anyway congrats on winning too!

Greetings! How cool that you have posted again

I like that you have taken up with CS2, although I haven't played that version yet, I really like Counter Strike.

Since I was little I have played it and I love it hahaha.

I can notice that this version looks a lot more realistic, I like that too. 🤗🙌🏻

Brings so many memories. Such nostalgia.

I'm currently on my mission of exploring adventure-type games with great stories. Miss the adrenaline rush of playing multiplayer games.

After playing only Witcher games for months I started playing splinterlands again. A bit variety doesn't hurt. But for some reason splinterlands is the only multiplayer game I enjoy. But holozing characters look nice.

I got myself 10,000 rank points for premier and then decided premier was stupid and went back to my Office grind. With the ranking system reset it's quite hard to climb up, but I'm currently Gold nova master in Competetive Office. (Already like 50 games done)

Interesting, I haven't played specific maps so wasn't aware there's a different ranking system in them. My map of choice would definitely be Dust though, not a big fan of Office. :D

The last time I played a shooter was in 2010 on PS3. Dude, make the Holozing game faster. I currently only play games in the Hive ecosystem :)

 6 months ago  

hahaha. you should definitely try 'crosshair - follow recoil' under settings in CS2. 😁

I don't like change xD but might try it

 6 months ago  


 6 months ago  

I have to try this game someday

I am only learning to indulge myself in web3 gaming, which will be my major focus come 2024 Ind I hope I see a tutor though. Hehe

woah thsi game is alive o.o thought valorant took it out of business alr

how dare you

Oops I just did haha even thou I don't play valorànt

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