Hive-Engine Update: WORKERBEEs going live!

in #hive-engine4 years ago

Here's an update on Hive-Engine.

Worker Bees are going live
crypto token converter broke, support ticket system broke, both are now fixed, manually going back over them
Price Feed fix on Hive-Engine

WORKER BEEs are live in 1 hour

So, if you'd like to get in on mining BEE you can do so now. Buy and stake a WORKER BEE.

Every hour 10 winners get 1.2 tokens each. The more marketshare you own that's staked of WORKER BEE the higher the chance that you'll be able to receive tokens.

You can also convert to WORKER BEEs from ENG or EM. You can use this page. The airdrop starts soon, but if you'd rather catch the new BEE rather than wait for the airdrop to playout than converting could be a good call.

Tribe Nitrous sites will need BEE staked starting in June if they are going that route.


Things are progressing and on schedule. You need your ENG and EM staked. EMFOUR will be closed down soon and replaced with a 4:1 drop of EM.

The first of many airdrop is scheduled for May 1. Be sure you're staked before then.

Stuff broke on converting tokens into hive-engine, we fixed it

I'm not sure I can get the timeline of it all right, but we experienced software glitches and then a hardware metldown for parts of the crypto token converter service. The software was fixed and now the program is working faster and better than ever. The hardware issues were also resolved.

That means that everything is working great with the caveat of we still have about 3 dozen support tickets to go through. That'll take place in the next day or two, but we're not expecting any additional problems at this time.

Price Feed

The price feed on hive-engine has been a little wonky. We replaced it with one from coin gecko and USD prices seem to be working much better. We'll do the same on steem-engine shortly.

New Game

I'm starting to poke around with making an opensource game on hive-engine to showcase how the NFT and token side works and give easy examples to people. I'm thinking something simple like Oregon Trail and updating it to be interactive between players, with trading, a little ability to mess with one another, and prizes. More details may emerge soon.

It's a demonstration project more than a full commercial project, but should be pretty good and allow folks a chance to earn in the game by playing the game.


Hi well maybe you could also put the subnet into the showcase... the games drugwars and next colony are very slow... you push a button and wait..wait...wait... and there it is. Your splinterlands doesn't have that wait... time yes only to link the contestants to each other.

Another question for an airdrop why must I stake my em?

Cant wait for it. Im quite interested in the game aspect.


I like everything in this post I just bought some beer and workerbees! Also, for us that grew up in the 90s Oregon trail is the essence of our childhood. I would be so excited for it to be in HE.

I'm thinking something simple like Oregon Trail and updating it to be interactive between players, with trading, a little ability to mess with one another, and prizes.

You are god! excellent. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. 😃

A fantasy Oregon Trail would be wonderful, with the same cards from Splinterland...

Thanks for the update, how can I get in early? What's the difference between ENG and EM? I know BEE is the native token of Hive engine. Lastly, I need the link to hive engine thanks