Do you still study books (hard copy) in the era of digital libraries and stuff?

in dPoll2 years ago

Do you still study books (hard copy) in the era of digital libraries and stuff?

Greetings friends!

Do you still study books (hard copy) in the era of digital libraries and stuff?

  • Yes. Because digital stuff cannot give me that much pleasure.

  • Not at all. I prefer digital.

  • I hate all kind of reading.

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • Not at all. I prefer digital.

Voted for

  • Yes. Because digital stuff cannot give me that much pleasure.

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Voted for

  • Not at all. I prefer digital.

Voted for

  • Not at all. I prefer digital.

Voted for

  • Not at all. I prefer digital.

Excepting newspapers, actually.

Voted for

  • Yes. Because digital stuff cannot give me that much pleasure.

Voted for

  • Not at all. I prefer digital.