What about your investment on splinterlands?

in dPoll3 years ago

What about your investment on splinterlands?

Greetings friends!

I am getting SPS drops from splinterlands everyday. I am getting about $20 worth SPS everyday which is not bad. I am now convinced that my investment on splinterlands cards has proved fruitful.

What about you?

  • I am also having good return.

  • I am not getting enough return.

  • I sustained a loss.

  • I regret.

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • I regret.

It's not too late to join the fun.

Voted for

  • I am not getting enough return.

Perhaps something is wrong.

It might be the rental cards market that I intensively use to rent my cards.

Voted for

  • I am not getting enough return.


Because I don't play...

Voted for

  • I am also having good return.

Voted for

  • I am also having good return.