Do you appreciate my explanations for my responses on your polls?

in dPoll4 years ago

Do you appreciate my explanations for my responses on your polls?

appreciation image from Pixabay

Every time I answer any of your polls here on (where I have been answering nearly all of your polls since I joined dPoll even if I find them hard to answer), I try to add at least one sentence explaining why I made such response.

Do you appreciate my explanation every time I respond to each of your polls?

(appreciation image from Pixabay)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Other

Answer the question at


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  • Yes

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  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Thank you a lot for your appreciation, and for responding to this poll of mine.

Voted for

  • Yes

It's nice to see you take the extra effort :)

Thanks for your appreciation, and also for answering this poll of mine.

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Hope you appreciate my answers!

Thank you for responding to my poll.

I do appreciate your answers; I just can't say it every time because I would quickly run out of Resource Credits.

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Yes, all voices of opinion must be respected d doll

Voted for

  • Yes