How difficult it is for you to explain the importance of data privacy?

in dPoll4 years ago

How difficult it is for you to explain the importance of data privacy?

cameras image from Pixabay

I have made a post regarding the reasons why people strongly need to protect your personal data online. This post of mine specifically tells how your online digital privacy is being violated and the steps you can take to minimize the risk of privacy loss.

They promise to never share your data, but they cannot prove that they don't, so assume that they do.

How difficult has it been for you to convince other people that protecting their data privacy themselves is really important?

If you have never explained it to others, please select "Other" and put into the description that you have never tried it yet.

(cameras image from Pixabay)

  • Very difficult

  • Moderately difficult

  • A little difficult

  • Not at all difficult

  • Other

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • Moderately difficult

Voted for

  • Very difficult

Voted for

  • Moderately difficult

Voted for

  • Moderately difficult

Voted for

  • Moderately difficult

Voted for

  • Moderately difficult

Voted for

  • Not at all difficult

Thank you for answering my poll.

I am surprised by your answer. If you don't mind, can you share with us your technique on how you have been able to easily convince other people that privacy is very important?

If you don’t protect your data, large corporations will use it against you to milk you dry, it’s one of the main reasons it’s all being collected in the first place

"But there are laws to protect against that!", they said. They even told me I might be paranoid.

Also, one said: "We're paying Apple to protect our privacy, unlike Google who offers Android for free!". I don't see the relevance between "paid service" and "privacy-respecting".

Voted for

  • A little difficult

Voted for

  • Very difficult

Voted for

  • Very difficult

Voted for

  • Moderately difficult