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RE: The Real Truth about Censorship on Social Medias

in #censorship4 years ago

I think there are some points that can be discussed or clarified:

  1. Sharing part of a private chat without asking for permission is probably not going to be good for our future Discord chats ;) ...nothing wrong with the small image you shared, but next time just ask before posting.
  2. Not sure if you did this on purpose or if you have not understood what I wrote in the chat ...either way ...going open source is not 'too risky' from a code point of view, but from a business point of view. I don't want people to fork the project or spin up multiple peakd/steempeak clones just because it's easy to do it when others have done all the hard work for you.
  3. There is a recent post by @themarkymark that can easily show the benefit of those blacklists. Not saying that we have a perfect solution, but still a solution is needed.
  4. There is no content hidden by (marker yes, content no). Content is filtered in the Hivemind nodes using some hardcoded lists. This is not up to @peakd and you can always setup a full RPC node with Hivemind and don't use those lists if you want. Will be up to the users to select and use your node and this way all the content will be shown.

" can always setup a full RPC node with Hivemind..."

Back on Earth, where we users are far less capable of implementing censorship resistance than is Peakd, I reckon Peakd doing so would gain it market share.

I asked for comment from Peakd team members on the censorship of @joe.public, and did not get any. I didn't tag your account. Do you have any comment regarding @joe.public being API censored without any justification other than his opposition to Bernie's spam and having annoyed @themarkymark?

I am confident that if Peakd doesn't setup a full RPC node that is immune to the hardcoded lists, it will lose customers to the first UI that does. Censorship resistance is a strong reason folks come to Hive. It is the only reason I came to Steem and migrated to Hive.

API censorship is a threat that will be surmounted. Don't be left in the dust when it is.

I asked for comment from Peakd team members on the censorship of @joe.public, and did not get any.

Because it's not peakd that is censoring the content. The nodes have some build-in filter for some accounts so we just don't get the data for some of them.

Do you have any comment regarding @joe.public being API censored without any justification other than his opposition to Bernie's spam and having annoyed @themarkymark?

The account have been added to the list before Hive ...and we don't review all the account added to the list by other parties.

I am confident that if Peakd doesn't setup a full RPC node that is immune to the hardcoded lists, it will lose customers to the first UI that does

Setting up a full node and running the frontend on that node will create a very centralized system (similar to what you have now on Steem). The opposite of what we are trying to do.
Right now we have a frontend that can be powered by different backend nodes so the choice is up to our users and the number of available node options.

I appreciate your reply. I did not think or imply that Peakd had control of the hardcode, and am disappointed you did not vigorously oppose that censorship, but you are free to speak your mind as you will.

Using nodes that are censored is not increasing decentralization, while running your own node does strongly decentralize because it prevents that centralized censorship the other nodes effect. It is disingenuous to claim otherwise. Increasing node options by just one would go a long ways to preventing @themarkymark from being the sole arbiter of who gets to post on Peakd, and that will strongly oppose that centralization of power on Hive.

You are free to support that censorship if that is your actual opinion. I do not recommend obfuscating such support with disingenuity that deprecates your integrity, however. Stating that adding a node that doesn't censor Hive accounts is centralizing is not factually correct, and reduces confidence in your veracity.

Inaccurate as usual, I am not the sole arbiter and on Steem I had zero control and only could make suggestions.

This, AFAIK, is the first mention of this. You appear now to be the sole party in control of censorship. You do not now make it clear what limitations on that power exist, nor any other details.

This statement, as much as it might surprise you to learn, does not greatly comfort me that all is well regarding Hive censorship policy being open and transparent.

What possible good reason is there to hide who is doing what regarding censorship?

Things done in darkness tempt folks to moral hazard, and then, when the light is shone on their acts, their shame is revealed for all to see. Do not let that happen to you.

Make censorship a public process on Hive, to protect Hive from power to censor wielded in darkness. You know you would oppose any other wielding the power to censor in secret you now appear to wield at your sole option.

I oppose it being done without the light of public review, and that is what is best for Hive.

Do the right thing, insofar as you have power to do it.

You are like a broken record with lots of scratches (inaccuracies). Like I said, I am not the sole person responsible. Go bark up some other tree.

"...make it clear what limitations on that power exist..."

Or should Hive just settle for your bare claim?

Should I go back to our prior conversation and quote you regarding censorship? It is very important that it be done with extreme care on Hive, because we have a good example of how it could go wrong here right over on Steem.

I don't want to keep repeating inaccurate claims, but until factual information is availed me, I am unable to make more accurate claims. As I have just revealed, I will absolutely take back any inaccuracies immediately as I discover them.

You have information you are not sharing, and then have the audacity to blame me for not knowing it. Hive is not safe from censorship when it is done in secret, by unknown parties.

Protect the Hive. Speak the truth.