From the height of a bird's flight

in PhotoFeed10 months ago (edited)

Is something going on with the platform or is it just me?
Yesterday's post was published twice in the beginning, and then disappeared from the community feed and even my blog.

I fill old furs with new wine...

To do this, we will spread our wings and rise above the old city.
Roofs are needed not only for protection from the weather.
Sometimes they can be a great viewing platform.




Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright



This is an old completely cast-iron bridge. Artistic cast iron casting. Now such bridges are no longer being built.

It's still beautiful even when rusty!!

Yes, rust does not spoil it :)

Cheers and !BEER

Hey @ibbtammy, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

It turns out to be interesting... the draft of this post is still hanging unpublished. But I duplicated the page and saw that now three posts have been published at once. My last one and yesterday's two that were not visible.
... and the draft is still spinning...

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 166 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @bambuka, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Link to the previous post

Reposting previous posts or parts of them without significant additional original content/changes is considered fraud and exploitation of the "Hive Reward Pool". Publishing such content may result in the account being Blacklisted.
Please refrain from copying and pasting previous posts going forward.

If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord.

I understand everything and apologize for the result. But I didn't have the goal of copying posts.
When I created this post for the first time, I couldn't publish it. The draft hung unpublished for a long time. I refreshed the page several times, but it didn't help. I tried to publish again after updating the draft page. But there was no result. Then I gave up trying the next day...

When I turned on the computer again, I saw the post in the draft again... then I pressed the "post" button again and again nothing happened.

After a while, I found out that three identical posts were published at once. I tried to edit two of them with other photos and texts, that is, to put posts with different content in their place. And there were problems with publishing/updating here.

That is, I want to say that the duplication of posts was not due to my good will, but due to some errors either on our platform or my browser. But later I found out that other users had similar problems.

Я всё понимаю и приношу извинения за полученный результат. Но у меня не было цели копирования постов.
Когда я создал этот пост первый раз, я не смог его опубликовать. Черновик долгое время висел неопубликованным. Я несколько раз обновлял страницу, но это не помогало. Я пытался опубликовать вновь после обновления страницы с черновиком. Но результата не было. Тогда я оставил попытки на следующий день...

Когда я вновь включил компьютер, то опять увидел пост в черновике... тогда я нажал ещё раз на кнопку "пост" и опять ничего не произошло.

Через некоторое время я обнаружил, что опубликовано сразу три одинаковых поста. Два из них я попытался отредактировать другими фото и текстов, то есть поставить на их место посты с другим содержанием. И здесь были проблемы с публикацией/обновлением.

То есть я хочу сказать, что дублирование постов произошло не по моей доброй воли, а в силу каких-то ошибок либо нашей платформы, либо моего браузера. Но позже я узнал, что подобные проблемы были и у других пользователей.

Слава богу, всё решилось благополучно. У меня вопрос - публикации шли с какой платформы? Я публикую через эсенси, и пока без проблем