Apple doughnuts at the fall market - Mangez des pommes ! [ENG-FR]

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Today for the #marketfriday I will show you the making of the apple donut at the fall celebration that takes place yearly in my town...

but first let's begin with this drawing I will also show you the steps ^_^


Aujourd'hui, pour le #marketfriday je vous montrerai comment est fabriqué le beignet à la pomme lors de la célébration d'automne qui a lieu chaque année dans ma ville ...

mais commençons par ce dessin dont je vais également vous montrer les étapes ^ _ ^


Obviously BlueWonkies love apples ... in fact they love all fruits of the creation and they enjoy them seasonnally ;-)


De toute évidence, les BlueWonkies adorent les pommes ... en fait, ils adorent tous les fruits de la création et ils les apprécient de saison ;-)


And when it comes to apples such like those beautiful ones still hanging for a while on the branch.....then we can not hold them anymore ;-)


Et quand il s’agit de pommes comme celles-ci, encore suspendues pour un temps sur la branche ..... alors là on ne les tient plus ;-)


So let's draw some Wonkie enjoying a simple apple ^_^

Alors dessinons un Wonkie qui s'apprete à savourer une belle pomme géante




And now the making of the apple doughnuts at a typical Savoyard stall for the lovely @dswigle and her #marketfriday

Oh my Greasyness ! Kinda fat ones ^_^


Et maintenant, la fabrication des beignets aux pommes sur un stand Savoyard typique pour la belle @dswigle et son #marketfriday

Par tous les saindoux ! Un peu gras quand même... ^_^

Here they are preparing the dough...
Là ils préparent la pâte


A large apple slice in the middle...
Un belle tranche de pomme au milieu..


Now they are waiting to be fried...
Les beignets attendent d'aller se faire cuire ;-)


Sounds a bit too fat for us, but we enjoyed taking shots of the process... ;-)
Tout celà a l'air trop gras pour nous, mais nous avons apprécié la fabrication ^_^


And that's it my sweet fried doughs ! Hope you have enjoyed this apple story !

Et voilà mes beignets sucrés, j'espère que vous avez apprecié cette histoire de pomme ^_^


Other posts to enjoy ^_^

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Feel free toifollowus.png for your DailyWonkieDose ^_^

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Great always. 🙂
But that greasy dough... I keep telling myself I wont't cheat with my diet. But you are not helping me. 😂
Is this an apple dedicated festival?

This is not only dedicated to apples, but to old traditions like the coocking ones and the savoyard specialties, the making of apple juice, cheese, or the old crafts such as woolen weavers, this is such an interesting celebration that features ancient skills of the mountains people .. ;-) this goes with the post I wrote on the folk dances during this festival ^_^

I've read your post and I must say this is a great event. We have something similar during the Summer. Traditional dances, music, food and crafts. The centre of the town is being closed and given to the people to have fun. For few days it's all about music and joy.
Do you ever wonder if we love our traditions so much, why does it seem we abandoned them?

Thank you for the cool wonkie...I love him (I'd like to believe this is a he). 😍

We give up our traditions because we are eager for more and for discovering new things,
this is how humans evolve,
but on the other hand, we remember things that gave us much joy and we like to celebrate them and to come back in the past with the knowing that we can beneficiate from the progress in the same time..
that is kinda reconforting to know we can still enjoy past things and come back in the present time anyway, isn't it ..?
and it allows us to choose whatever we prefer...
for my part, going to such joyful celebrations allows me to remember I always choose the joyful, dancing, optimistic side of the life, whatever time, past present of future, it is ^_^

Thanks for your comment my dear, you always initiate such interesting conversations with me ! ;-)


I think you are right. Giving up traditions is part of our development and progress. However, I strongly hope we will never forget the beginnings. 🙂
I always initiate this kind of conversations with you because you are great dialogue partner. 🙂
Thank you for the pleasant conversation and the drawings. Have an amazing weekend, my dear friend. 😘


Such a lovely apple 🍎🍏 story, looked like a fun festival to go to! Those sweat fried dough delicacies look delicious ! I love your cute drawing of a Wonkie hugging a huge apple. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful day you had❣️Blessings

This is my pleasure and I'm glad you have enjoyed the whole my dear ! Thanks for you lovely comment and the sweet bee (love her pretty eyes...) jc7c3rj4e4.png

Your welcome Barbara, and I love your partial blue Wonkie, such lovely gift❣️

sounds..and looks really good!

There was a great smell of apples around indeed ! ^_^ lvfi20x4gc.png very much @doitvoluntarily and wish you a wonderful week-end =))

It's lovely Barbara, your wonkie is quite but I love the patisserie making process more 😍

Haha ! would you have bought one my dear ..? I confess there were enticing but I could feel the oil traveling through my body just by looking at them..LoL

Well, I don't know. It looks tasty but I know it's not healthy.

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Thank you ! ^_^

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Mmmmm je sent la douce odeur de ses delicieux beignet de pomme jusqu'ici:D Monsieur wonkie a l'air tres heureux avec sa belle pomme. Je participe a un challenge de curation pour steemitbloggers ou l'on dois parler d'un post que l'on apprecie et expliquer pourquoi. J'ai choisit ce poste et je me suis permise de mettre le lien de ce post je vous ajoute l'article en commentaire des que je le publie:)

Heureuse que ce post vous ait plu ! ^_^
Et 9fll28tx5k.png pour en avoir parlé dans votre article ;-)
Cette fête traditionnelle est vraiment très intéressante et vivante, j'ai photographié d'autres savoir-faire et j'espère en faire d'autres posts...
Belle journée ! =))

What a wonderful #MarketFriday post, my Barbara @barbara-orenya from the drawing of those cute little wonkies and apples to the explanation of the festival. I especially love the little GIF you created.

Those apples hanging down off that tree were very tempting!

I will be the first to admit that those apple donuts had me really tempted! I know the oil is no good for my poor little body, but the smell is just divine! Oh, my! I have actually never seen the apples sliced and put in the center like that. What an interesting way to make them. Now I am sure I would have to have a bite. Maybe just a tiny one to taste test it!

I went back and reread the French folk dances from Savoie, savoring the traditions of the mountain people. How wonderful to look back upon this time in your rich history. Your posts always have a way of spreading joy among all who read them. It is a beautiful trait that you have. You are a happy person and you take your joy and give it freely to others. I thank you for that. I always feel remiss when I don't get over here to see what you have posted. I know in my heart that it is something wonderful and will put a smile on my face. Thank you for that and thank you so much for the beautiful post.

The pictures are always amazing and the whimsical story that accompanies it always leaves a smile on my face. Thank you for being wonderful.

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Hi @barbara-orenya! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

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What a fun post @barbara-orenya. I'm sure Denise appreciates your artist interpretation for #marketfriday. Your work is colourful as always!

Such a cute wonkie and Oh my Greasyness!!! LOL!!! Looks delicious though. I am sure there is a way how to make them healthier 🌸💖🌸