The Surprised Goal : A Sports Freewrite.

in Freewriters3 years ago

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The game starting eleven weren't those we've expected, fans have already took to the social media to predict a possible loss from our side. The coach decision to do this isn't yet unknown. With some losses already, I'm sure he will loose his job if this match flop. It looks like football is a game of trial by error to him. Rumours of how obstinate he is is getting out, a major league is about to get lost forever here with an opportunity of it coming close to be another four years.

With no goal in sight for the first half, the captain called us on a side and told us how it's needed to fashion a way out right on the field. A decision that later secured a goal at the astonishment of onlookers. Even the coach was surprised at the rearrangements and the result, I saw his jaw drop as we celebrate. The golden rule that says "Never outshine your master" is about to be broken here and it's necessary.

An entry into @mariannewest everyday Freewrite


Sometimes the coach doesn't have all the answers!