Thankful for decentralized blockchains

in Reflections7 months ago


Although I know that not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving across the world, but I hope even if you don't you had a great Thursday and a wonderful end to the week. We've been seeing a lot of interesting news come out of the crypto sector in the past week. Probably the biggest bit of news is the fact that a resolution finally came to the attacks the SEC has been leveling at Binance.

I do think people were a little surprised at how it all turned out though. The capitulation by CZ definitely came as a surprise to me.

@ericvancewalton wrote this great post the other day about what this decision could mean for many people who are invested in crypto. I know first hand how difficult it is becoming to get in and out of crypt here in the US.

Well, at the very least getting in, to be honest, I haven't tried to move any of my crypto out to fiat in quite some time. We continue to see our options dwindle and before too long there will probably only be one or two options for us.

I think Coinbase has been doing a pretty good job of toeing the line between being outspoken against the SEC and doing what is needed to ensure they are in a good position when all the dust settles from this.

I fully agree with Eric that the SEC is doing what they can to ensure the rich continue to get richer and snuff out the flame of the promise that crypto currency once offered.


Even Jovi is getting tired of all the shenanigans that are happening right now. I think we can all agree that we are ready for all this to be over.

With Thanksgiving a day behind us, and everything going on, I am still thankful for blockchain. Even if they find a way to totally hamper it, I will still be involved in crypto. My time is too invested now and I still believe in the potential crypto has to change the world.

More specifically though, I'm thankful for decentralized blockchains like Hive that still give us that modicum of freedom from the alphabet agencies that want to push a specific agenda.

Between blockchains like HIVE and WAX, and the still ambiguous regulatory uncertainty, I think we still might have a window to realize substantial returns for those who have been invested for a while now.

With this Binance thing settled, it sounds like we could be closer than ever to an ETF being released and from that point, it's anybody's guess where we might end up.

I'm going to wrap this up. I have a lot of family stuff going on for the holiday and I need to get my butt off the couch before the sun comes up.

We have some wild times ahead of us and I hope you are all ready.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


Enjoy your holiday. It's a very US specific one, but I think Canada have their own version. We need some good news about crypto to boost confidence. I'd be thankful for that.

Yeah, I think they had theirs already. I would be thankful for that as well!

Cheers to that buddy! Hopefully everything was good and black Friday treated you well.

Are you able to onramp with Coinbase? I dont like their user interface, but I guess I would use it if no other options.

It really is so nice to have decntralisation and owning your own account. I cant get into my playstation account and there is no way to reset it without an agent and therefore I need to wait til Monday. There is so much potential for decentralisation everywhere.

Yeah, we can use Coinbase, but that is one of the few options we have left. I don't like being limited in my options.

I heard Wallet of Satoshi has pulled out of the US too. Zeus has also been frozen from the Apple App Store.. things being squeezed!

Coinbase will be the custodian for the BTC of most of the companies that will have their ETFs approved sooner or later. This one is not going away any time soon.

In regards to on and off ramps for crypto, I noticed recently that my bank does not allow me to buy crypto with my card anymore.

I can still do that with Revolut. I am not buying anything anymore though and once I put my hands on some profits I'm using crypto cards to cash out.

I'll also be spending stables during the bear market rather than cashing out and using fiat.

I'm having a quite frugal life which allows that.

Yeah, I am not worried about Coinbase going anywhere, I am just not happy about only having limited options. It's pretty rare that I ever move crypto to fiat, but if I can eliminate real world debt with crypto or if I get life changing gains, then I will do it.

I hope you are enjoying the long weekend after a great dinner yesterday!

I think CZ fell on his sword if you will because it will preserve his billions and possibly make him billions more being in the US marketplace. I'm sure he'll get a slap on the wrist, maybe twelve months in club fed. I hope it opens Binance up in the US market again with expanded options!

Oh yeah, for sure, I have zero doubt that while this seems like a huge loss to us, it was probably the best move for him. Being in China there is zero chance we would have been able to actually touch him.

Is that baked corn I see there next to the mac and cheese???!!! My cousin makes some pretty bangin baked corn. We are celebrating Thanksgiving in a few weeks with them. We were supposed to be there, Lancaster PA area, but her husband fell Ill with Covid. Oh well.. In a few weeks I'll have some baked corn 😁

Yeah, it's like a corn souffle, so kind of like cornbread, but a little looser. It uses butter, corn, creamed corn and some other stuff I think. My sister in law makes it, but she used a bag of frozen corn that my wife and I vacuum sealed from the summer.

Yes.. That sounds about right! Saving corn for later in the winter is the way to go.

We actually don’t celebrate thanksgiving day in my part of the world but I hope you enjoy your holiday and I wish you a merry Christmas in advance

Thank you!

The world of crypto hasn´t looked this good in years, all the crypto cowboys hiding or in jail and BTC at $38K I happily quote an awful old song....

We have only just begun

Shut your mouth, I love the Carpenters!

I often find myself whistling their songs just like I tend to do with X mas song throughout the year🤫

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I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend! Jovi's looking pretty content there. : ) This is going to be a very interesting next few months, that's to be sure.

Jo was just happy we were finally home. She's been fighting an infection lately and it has been hard on all of us.

I'm sorry to hear that. It's tough when they're sick.

Thank you!

Just like that in decentralized platform and blockchain technology has changed the life of all of us and now we are living a good life and easy life by working hard and the way we see this food is much more tasty.

Maybe a little, but I am not sure we have even scratched the surface yet as to what is in store.