The "sandbox" tree - El "jabillo".

in Amazing Nature3 years ago (edited)
The "sandbox" tree (Hura crepitans) is a tropical tree that have trunk with grey bark covered with conical spines, and the inner bark contains a sap or watery latex that is caustic and poisonous.

El "jabillo" (Hura crepitans) es un árbol tropical que tiene un tronco con corteza gris cubierta con espinas cónicas, y la corteza interna contiene una savia o látex acuoso que es cáustico y venenoso.

Its leaves are heart-shaped, with secondary veins parallel to each other.

Sus hojas tienen forma de corazón, con nervaduras secundarias paralelas entre sí.

The fruits of "sandbox" tree are large capsules with explosive dehiscence. When ripe, pods catapult the seeds at initial speeds (on average) of 43 meters per second (even 70 m/s) and at a dispersal distance (with variations) of 45 meters from the parent tree. It has also been known as the dynamite tree, so named for the explosive sound of the ripe fruit as it splits into segments.

Los frutos del "jabillo" son cápsulas grandes con dehiscencia explosiva. Cuando están maduros, las vainas catapultan las semillas a velocidades iniciales (en promedio) de 43 metros por segundo (incluso 70 m/s) y a una distancia de dispersión (con variaciones) de 45 metros del árbol padre. También se le conoce como el árbol de la dinamita, llamado así por el sonido explosivo del fruto maduro cuando se divide en segmentos.

References - Referencias

Images captured with Fujifilm FinePix Z90 digital camera.

Imágenes capturadas con cámara digital Fujifilm FinePix Z90.


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 3 years ago  

Welcome @capp.

Have a lovely day!

Fascinating tree one would never wish to climb, thanks for such detail about trees in your region, together with great photography @capp always interesting learning something new.

Hi @joanstewart, it is also often called the "monkey no-climb" tree. Thank you for your visit.

This tree is a thorn! 😂

Haha, yes.

Que impresionante las espinas :) saludos amigo

Si estimada. Saludos.