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But I think it is pointless. I have more as 1 spud a month

Not sure why its pointless to power up and have a contest around that idea that gives newer and upcoming Steemians a chance to have a strong delegation for a few weeks a month. Not sure what you mean by "I have more as 1 spud a month".

@chunkysoupsvc spud = powering up. Each time you redeem rewards you power up. At least I am.

Thats not the only way to earn STEEM and not everyone auto Power Ups for various reasons.

@chunkysoupsvc If they do not power up how can they lay hands on their earned SP?

It still goes into there account. Plus as I said, there are other ways to obtain STEEM. For example, some people save up extra money during the month and buy some STEEM at the end of the month. If you dont understand, I suggest reading the SPUD posts from Streestyle.

@chunkysoupsvc I read that post and wrote I do not understand it. Apparently it is not clear enough and as I understand I am not the only one. ❤️

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To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

My reply is no

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