"Monfist" The last form. What do you do think folks? | Fan Art

in Holozing Community5 months ago (edited)


Making the last evolution of this creature definitely took me some time, it wasn't easy for me to capture the essence of the first two, but fortunately I was able to do it and build a third evolution quite balanced. This is the final form, the most powerful and I think it has taken a more beastly form.

This Holo is a fan art, it is not an original creature of the game, but if later they decide to illustrate one taking into account this one I would feel honored. I am very happy with this creation, and not only with this one but with the two that precede it.

I understand the illustrators who have this hard work to create, so success to all.

The most difficult thing was to maintain the posture and increase each limb without being too disproportionate, the idea was to maintain the balance, keep giving weight to his arms and fists but keep the same face or rather look, that way he doesn't lose relation with the first two forms.

Below I share with you the creative process




Line art










Final image


Gif Evolutions


It is a grass type creature, its main attack is melee, and as a special move it has the earthquake which it gets by repeatedly hitting the ground. Being a monkey he is very skilled and at this stage he has a lot of power in his fists. So, what do you think, do you think you can train him? I would like to read your impressions in the comments.

Thanks for reading


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Hello, @cjlugo

Your creature, Monfist, denotes great personality and the power of melee. I can't imagine how to train him, but I imagine that it will be necessary to have a lot of bananas to reward him. Lol.


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