Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! / Analysis of rewards and targets.

in Splinterlands10 months ago

This season I had predicted that my rewards might be slightly reduced, which was very obvious, specifically because of the length of the season, but also the effect that the modern league caused, because in the modern league they have increased the reward pool and the mode I usually play is the wild, where there has been a reduction of rewards per battle in the different leagues.

Source: Splinterlands

So my goals were to keep playing in the wild mode in the silver league; but also to try to push myself in the modern league, but the temptation and the desire to compete has been stronger, and I have kept playing in the wild mode. Although this coming season, I plan to spend more time in the modern league to maximize rewards.

Making a comparison between the last two seasons, the difference is quite big, the previous season I could get about 100 SPS and this season I could only get about 17.5 SPS, this difference is one of the reasons that inspires me to move up in the modern league. On the other hand, the rewards were not the best, but I was able to get some legendary and gold cards. But I was impressed, as I received the legendary card in some chests I had pending, from the daily challenge, and with this I have 4 legendary cards from the last edition of reward cards.

No doubt Usut is a card with potential, is a legendary card that has an acceptable amount of life and shield, besides being a magic card, the latter pleases me, as the magic cards are always part of my strategy, besides that has the flying ability, with which I can avoid more attacks and evade certain disadvantages in some conditions, also has the Bloodlust ability, this allows to increase the stats of the monster, which can make it a real threat.

Finally, Gobson Bomber is the second card I have from the gold edition, although I don't use it much, it is a neutral card that can multiply its power, it can also protect itself in the last position of the team, it is a useful card with the ability to destroy or wear down the opponent with a single attack, it also has the ability to dodge attacks. It is a useful card, specifically it has 3 speed.

CardGobson Bomber
4 ❤️ - 2 ⚔️ - 3 🌀

Anyway this last season has been regular, the last changes have led us to take into account the other game modes, adapt to the game mode and maximize the rewards; and logically the goal is to accumulate cards, also make them stronger and improve our collection of cards.


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The images were captured from the Splinterlands.


I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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