Mountain Bird

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

Look at my new friend! Found this little guy hanging out by the hiking trail. Probably lives near by, and is accustomed to us humans walking by. I bet he even gets fed sometimes. Probably not the best idea to be feeding wildlife, as everyone should know by now. If animals get used to picking up the odd morsel from the same general area, obviously then this can attract other more larger wildlife, the kind we carry spray to protect us from. He was so close, which allowed me to get some decent photos in a hurry. It was a fun and memorable encounter. Till next time little friend.

Camera: Sony A7R III
Lens: Sony 24-105mm f4 G OSS
Editing: Lightroom

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Nice shot's my friend, Clark’s Nutcracker and they look pretty dang cool in flight as well. Do I see birding in your future, Haha.

Honestly I really enjoy photographing birds, so maybe…

That would be cool Brother, to see what you have up there north would be nice.

WOW! This bird is really cute! And you were so lucky to see and take photos of him. Excellent shots, as always! ;)

Yeah, he was a nice find. Mousey would have fun playing with it :)

Sorry for my late reply! Yeah! I can imagine how fun Mousey would have if he would play with the bird... ;D

This really looks good. A new friend. True, by feeding, it will definitely bring in large number of wild friends for sure. 🙂

It poses well for photo. The last one

He cooperated well!

Whom are not that friendly!

Photographing birds is very difficult! You definitely succeeded!

Thanks, luckily he was so close.

Thanks for stopping by.

Clark's Nutcracker! It's a corvid. 🖤

I figured you might know.

Handsome bird with a strong beak able to fend for itself by the look of it. Nice captures in colour giving more detail to identify.

It actually made a run for my mixed nuts and knocked them out of my hand!!

How rude! And he doesnt even look the part! I guess he is a nut lover lol.

Little bugger

Arriving with a beak like that I would drop the nuts/seed for fear of being pecked in the process.

The bird startled me with that dive for my mixed nuts. It was surprising!

Obviously had it's own thoughts about sharing, keep you on your toes....

Your friend appears to know what he's looking for by the hike trail, I'm sure he wanted some food and entertainment. I love the way he posed for some photographs.

Yeah, it was fun, definitely.

Very coo closeups , he looks a little serious , needs more sunlight

I think he was grumpy.

Yes he needs a sunny day

Owwww... What a lovely creature... Excellent photographic record for this species @daveks friend!

!discovery 40

Lovely, yes he was. Thanks.

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Uses: 17/25

He's a cute bird! Feeding wildlife never ends well. Good thing you have the poles and the bear spray when you're out in the hills!

Yes, all must haves for sure. Thanks for stopping by.

What a delightful encounter! It's always special to come across wildlife while out exploring nature. Your new friend looks adorable, and it's great that you were able to capture some photos of him up close.

He turned out to be a good subject to photograph. Thanks.

Wow! It is a very strange bird. Excellent that you were able to photograph it 👏

A pleasant surprise to find on the trail. Thanks.

Welcome on board dear friend 😊

This is really looking so beautiful 😍

Beautiful photography👍 Have you seen my recent post of seaview

So pretty 😍

They were cute!

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