Too Far Away

in Photography Lovers8 months ago


A beautiful and relaxing walk continues near the river’s edge. Look over yonder, a train is crossing the bridge. Nothing better in my books than a train crossing a river, photographically speaking. Only problem is that I am too far away to get any real decent photos (and I didn’t bring the dslr along, with my 100-400 zoom attached). Maybe I ought to try and find out when the next train is scheduled to cross over the river. How would one even find out? It’s not like they cross on a daily basis or anything. Guess I will just have to be satisfied with these photos. I think the last two look better in black and white, what say you?




Camera: Huawei P40 Pro
Lens: Leica
Editing: Lightroom & Camera+


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(the colour version did not turn out so well, so am only publishing the black and white)




Haha! I'm happy to see that I was pronouncing your name right all along. I say da-Veks and hubby says Dave-ks 🤣

He didn’t get the memo that our wives are always right!

Hehe! I hope you're having a nice colourful Fall 🤗

It just looks so solitary out there, like you are the only there. Beautiful scenery and some great shots.

I still love those black and whites, it completely changes the feel of the pictures. You live in a beautiful area!

Yeah, it’s the best place to live, western Canada (aside from factors outside of my control).

Astonishing place and your photography is really awesome as always

Thanks for stopping by.

I like the shot's, as for the train yeah they don't have set schedules I tried to ask in another state at an old train station turned into a museum and they said whenever then come. haha

@daveks The photos are beautiful, if I had to choose, I would choose the black and white ones.

I preferred the black and whites myself too. Thanks.

Don't go too far away :P

These are all lovely shot, I love black and white too, I love how it can give any other feels to one photo when you apply it.

Very beautiful distant view.

Gorgeous shots. Where were these shots taken? They remind me of the Peace River Region in Alberta.

Never been to peace river. Good hiking trails around there?

Perhaps. Lots of out door possibilities. But you might have to make your own trails. There is an old rail corridor that is lovely to walk.

Thanks for the information. May have to head up there someday.

 8 months ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks. It was very enjoyable!