Another Day Fighting Abuse: @bilalhaider Strikes Again

in #abuse7 years ago (edited)

The seas were quiet my mateys, for a while. Ahoy, look around! Minnows swimming, playing happily, dancing joyfully. Dolphins doing their tricks, jumping up and down to impress the passing ships. Pirates pulling each other's pegs as usual, the daily fun stuff. Chest pumping, arm wrestling, beer glasses shattering, booze and wenches flooding the General Chat tavern.

All of a sudden, the dreaded beast started to sway. He moved quietly, as to not be noticed. Ripples on the water turned to small waves, then tidal waves battered the shore. Everyone scrambled! What was happening they shouted!? Lanterns shaking, flames falling, huts burning, women screaming, minnows gasping for air as they got stranded on the beach's sandy holes.

People thought he was peacefully slumbering, but he awoke! Rage and anger in his eyes, fingers frantically hammering his keyboard, he was up to no good. He brought a new stock of fresh spam, showering the channels here and there. Giving no quarter.

The Bilal Haider was upon them.

Fear not, their hero appeared as soon as he was summoned! Cracking his knuckles, swinging his cutlass and shaking the ground with his pegged leg.

Drakos was here to save the day!

For a while, I thought @bilalhaider had evolved into an earthly civilized person, since he last spread his chaos one month ago. Apparently not. Forgive me, my fellow Steemians, I was wrong. I had laid down my hammer in hope of not having to use it again, I let my guard down. For some reason last night, @bilalhaider got pissed at some people (including a whale with lots of power) and decided to act like a fool again by spamming several channels on Steemit.Chat, randomly rotating his username dozens of time, spamming profanities repeatedly; the same routine he used when I first dealt with him (Another Day Fighting Abuse: Who Is @bilalhaider?)

Obviously he had no clue that messing with @nextgencrypto was a bad idea. I even warned him about it in pm, but he wouldn't listen. I tried to reason with him, to no avail. He unleashed his spam despite the promise he made to me personally last month that he wouldn't spam again! We call that a liar in the English language. I honestly don't care anymore what ticked him off last night, I'm tired of his excuses. I see what he does, and it's enough for me to take action.

So here I was, battling this abuser for hours, with my limited moderator powers, playing cat and mouse, chasing him across the channels to mute/kick and clean up the profanity spams. Two other mods helped a bit, but your humble hero was doing most of the leg work. At least I know his style by now, I could anticipate most of his next moves and slap him preemptively.

A good fight should be... like a small play, but played seriously.
A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready.
Not thinking, yet not dreaming.
Ready for whatever may come.
When the opponent expand, I contract.
When he contracts, I expand.
It hits by itself-600x250.png
And when there is an opportunity... I do not hit.
It hits all by itself.

(Enter The Dragon, 1975)

Here are a few examples of his handy work:




And of course, he didn't spare me from his insults:


What's more, he boasted about DDOS'ing the chat. Many users had trouble connecting to the chat for at least 30 min. I'm not 100% sure if it was really him, a random bug or an unrelated coincidental DDOS. I heard that other UK networks were under attack last night. I'll need to confirm that with the admins when they come around. Nevertheless, if he wants to claim responsibility, so be it, I'll give him credit. I have reason to believe it was him because he threatened to DDOS before. And knowing that he's been spending a lot of time with developers lately (on the Chat and Discord), I wouldn't be surprised if he gained some technical input about the network's security.

bilal ddos chat.png

Then he wrote a post about the chat being DDOS'd

bilal ddos post.png

Boycott @bilalhaider

While you ponder on the The Toxicity of Pettiness, I call on your common sense to stop dealing with this guy. Flag him, ignore him, don't comment him, don't upvote him. Total boycott. He has demonstrated repeatedly that he's not worthy of this community. He's running a resteeming service with his reputation at ZERO. Would you really want to give money to someone like that to resteem your posts? His account is worthless, don't waste your money. Now that you know how disruptive this person can be, decide if you want to keep supporting him.


Go away little parasite!

Proud member and delegator of the @minnowsupport project.
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I love your humour and style of writing! The images are so great too and I burst out laughing at the "Go away little parasite!' comment and image!

Great post and light-hearted and easy read on an important topic.
He does need stopping, what rude and unnecessary comments and spamming.
Thanking you for all your efforts. I've upvoted and will vote for you as a witness too! :)

I try to vent in a humorous way. Others would be shouting profanities at him (I do too, but in my head).

Humour is more effective! :)
I will remember you and your post far more from the humour and your style of presentation!

Batten down the hatches shipmates and all hail captain Drakos keeping the ocean safe from marauding spammers.

Yargghhhhh! Shiver me timbers.

Dang! All the exciting stuff happens when I'm logged off!!

It's all there, just scroll up the channels (general, help, postpromotion). It was pretty funny tonight, because we fought back together, and it kept him at bay ✊

This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @saywha! For more information, click here!

what a dirty little pile.

That was a very visual piece unfortunate that the ending was not a image fiction. Hope he smartens up or fucks off, thanks for getting the word out there! No one wants to get mixed up with that mess.

since he last spread his chaos one month ago.

I think what happened is he was 'working on' calibrae with l0ki, but either he turned out to be useless or l0ki disappeared (which seems to be the case even on his reddit account), so bilal ended up returning to his old routes to distract himself from the fact that his life is meaningless.

Then again I did learn his family is pretty rich with at least two homes (though I won't give the addresses out here @bilalhaider don't worry). Seems weird that he'd have so little to do with his time.

Love the writing style!