Witness Tools 🔧: Witness Fail-Over Bash Script

in #witness-category7 years ago (edited)

Inspired by @steempty's script, I wrote my own witness fail-over bash script with some improvements adapted to my needs, without having to rely on a local RPC node. @furion's conductor is an excellent tool built on steem-python, it has a fail-over and kill-switch features. However, I'm not a python scripter, so I prefer bash because it's more versatile. I can customize it with different commands from various environments (Python, PHP, Perl, etc). So, by harnessing steem-python's power, I've been testing and improving this script in the last weeks. Here's my current version, customized for one main and one backup witness server. You can edit it for additional backup servers, just follow the logic in the code. The send notice python script is based on @lukestokes "Bash Script to Monitor Your Witness Node".

I recommend running a fail-over mechanism on multiple machines for redundancy. Also, you should tweak the timeout values depending on your witness rank, and the amount of blocks you generate per hour. For example, if you're in the Top 20, set the scanning interval to 60 seconds.

The scripts are found here: https://github.com/Jolly-Pirate/witness-failover

Witness fail-over bash script

This is a steemd fail-over script using steem-python. If the server is unreachable or has missed blocks (set by the threshold value), it will fail over to the backup server. If something is wrong there, the signing key is disabled. If enabled, an email will be sent by the sendnotice.py script.

Install prerequisites

apt -y install apt-utils locales git nano python3 python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools libssl-dev cron curl iputils-ping screen jq

pip3 install --upgrade pip

I'm using Furion's steem-python because it has more features.
pip3 install -U git+https://github.com/Netherdrake/steem-python

But, you can use the official steem-python, it should work just fine.
pip3 install -U git+https://github.com/steemit/steem-python


git clone https://github.com/Jolly-Pirate/witness-failover.git


Configure the steempy wallet

Run steempy addkey

Enter your Active PRIVATE key.
Enter and confirm a passphrase for the wallet.
Press ENTER to quit.

Check that your account and Active PUBLIC key are showing up in the wallet.
steempy listaccounts

The wallet is stored in ~/.local/share/steem/steem.sqlite, in case you want to remove it from your computer.

Set up the scripts

Go to the git cloned folder.
cd ~/witness-failover

Secure the files, they will contain sensitive information, and set execution permission.
chmod 700 witness_failover.sh sendnotice.py

Edit witness_failover.sh and sendnotice.py files with your own values.

If using Gmail's SMTP, test it first by running ./sendnotice.py test. If you get an SMTPAuthenticationError, go to https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha to allow the device then retry.

Start and enter a screen session: screen -S failover
Start the script: ./witness_failover.sh

Detach from the screen session with CTRL-a-d. This will leave it running in the background.

Reattach to the session with screen -r failover to monitor its status. If you want to terminate the script press CTRL-c, then type exit to close the screen session.

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Proud member and delegator of the @minnowsupport project.
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Available & Reliable. I am your Witness. I want to represent You.

🗳 If you like what I do, consider voting for me 🗳


If you never voted before, I wrote a detailed guide about Voting for Witnesses.

Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses. My name is listed in the Top 50. Click the upvote symbol.


with cli_wallet : vote_for_witness "YOURACCOUNT" "drakos" true true
with steem-python: steempy approvewitness drakos --account YOURACCOUNT


Why can't I vote another witness? Is this because I have voting proxy?

Yes, you're using @surpassinggoogle as a voting proxy. He already votes for me, if that's what you wanted to do.

Slaughtering it as usual, been sitting tight for you to post some of your devices!

Killing it as always, been waiting for you to post some of your tools!

I was intending of posting this some time ago, but the RPC nodes problem that surged recently prompted me to implement RPC checks in the script and do further tests. I hope it's all good now 🤓

Who is the baddest pirate on the block chain boat? That guy ^^^

Good stuff man, real good stuff.

you earned my vote @drakos. Thank you for your kindness

For non-devs ---- what's the upside of running 'witness fail-over bash' script?

It's to minimize or avoid missing block generation.