A Tooth for a Truth!

in Cross Culturelast year


Since I don't have the images of my teeth, I settled for these rocks at sea 😂😂😂

Two weeks ago, I got the last of my wisdom teeth extracted. It was still in the bone and moving down against the next tooth. The surgery took a little over two hours and it was very intense because the tooth was big and the dentist doesn't like opening too big a hole to facilitate recovery, so she had to break it down into four smaller pieces. I knew this was going to be very important for me at many levels, but I didn't know just how much or which areas it would affect the most. Anything that has to do with the mouth affects the Throat Chakra, the energy center of truthful self-expression; additionally, the teeth and the bones are ruled by Saturn, the Planet of rules, restrictions and boundaries. This, at least, gave me some idea of what I was releasing.

About five days after the surgery, I had a chat with my friend Rebeca who lives in Argentina where I began to unlock something but I wasn't aware what. We finished that at about 1 am and I thought of sleeping, but wasn't tired enough and the energy at home was rather tough, so I browsed social media for a while and then @selfhelp4trolls replied to something I'd told him on IG, so we began talking. At one point during this chat we discussed the way we approach information, how we manage to keep up with a bunch of topics at once and how we use our curiosity; at that moment, the left side of my face, where the surgery had take place, suddenly felt warm and more sensitive as the unblocking that started earlier turned physical, and a realization came to me: the tooth's removal unveiled an unconscious process that had been active probably for my entire life, a secret, subtle but very strong desire or expectation for people around me to think the way I do, to match my perspectives and keep up with the speed of my ideas. It was there all along, wreaking havoc in my social and personal life. Dismantling it is a work in progress, of course, but I couldn't even see it before that extraction.

I still had one more troublesome tooth right in the middle of my lower jaw. It had been there for over two decades, causing a few disruptions, but not so many or so serious that I ever felt the need to pull it out. Well, today, I did! It's over at last. After the experience that I summed up above and my visit to my previous house, I'm eager to see what revelations emerge after this last removal of obstacles, on a Full Moon in Gemini no less! I made the decision to get all of these teeth extracted last year, but it took me almost exactly 12 months to get to this point and I'm proud of myself. I'm sure this is a very material dispelling of limitations for me, and I'm quite excited about what it may bring.

If you have any issues at all with your dental health or, indeed, the health of any other part of your body, do your best to get it off your chest and shoulders. This is particularly relevant for major issues, naturally, but even seemingly minor stuff like these teeth warrant careful attention. In fact, it might be that, by clearing a smaller issue, the more serious ones are easier to work with or even resolve on their own. Don't take anything for granted, this is as much about physical integrity as it is emotional and spiritual. We're multilayered, multisystemic beings, if one of our layers or systems is malfunctioning, the entire structure suffers; similarly, if we tend to a malfunction in one layer/system, we fix all others.

I'll write a follow-up post when the information locked away by the now-removed tooth starts to flow. Thanks for reading!



Wisdom teeth are very well named. Almost two years ago I had the only one extracted that has come out so far. The surgery was quick, I had an excellent doctor and it was not that complicated. The recovery went just as well.
After that extraction certain issues in my life began to take their course. Maybe that was it, something I let go. A matter of letting go.

Absolutely! And I took a long while to let go of what that tooth was holding up. Now that I got the last one extracted, things started to accelerate even more. A beautiful and liberating experience for sure. Thanks for the comment!

I guess we had more in common than we realized 😁 hope it’s healing up quick. And I want to hear what’s up with the studio idea and everything else soon.

Yeah, it started healing immediately and by the next day I could eat normally, it was awesome! I also want to know what's up with that studio idea, hahahahaha.

Looks like you extracted some wisdom there ( not just the dentist).

Looking forward to tomorrow's chat!