[ES/EN] 👊🏻Buying ZING and 35 days earning 🔥ZING in 💥HoloZing💥


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Hola, "HoloZing" fans, hoy les mostraré mi progreso haciendo staking del token ZING. He delegado 100 HP para conseguir recompensas diarias con un APR 30.21%.
Hello "HoloZing" fans, today I will show you my progress staking the ZING token. I have delegated 100 HP to get daily rewards with an APR of 30.21%.


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Hasta ahora tengo 369.90 ZING que también están en staking con un APR 41.80%.
So far I have 369.90 ZING which is also staked with 41.80% APR.


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También he comprado 99.545 token ZING.
I have also purchased 99.545 ZING token.


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Estos 99.545 ZING adquiridos los he puesto en stake también.
I have staked these 99.545 ZING acquired as well.


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Esto me deja un total de 469.44 ZING en stake.
This leaves me with a total of 469.44 ZING staked.


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Las 4 formas para ganar token ZING

Si deseas puedes escoger entre las siguientes maneras para conseguir el activo del juego.

  1. Delegar HP a la cuenta https://holozing.com/ (@zingtoken)
  2. Agrega liquidez al par ZING/SWAP.HIVE
  3. Conservar POSH
  4. Y stakear ZING

The 4 ways to earn ZING token

If you wish, you can choose between the following ways to obtain the game asset.

  1. Delegate HP to the account https://holozing.com/ (@zingtoken)
  2. Add liquidity to the ZING/SWAP.HIVE pair
  3. Preserve POSH
  4. And stake ZING


Si aún no conoces "HoloZing", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you still don't know "HoloZing" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:



nice bro this is a good start. keep buying lets go!!

Hi, it's like I'm buying SPS in its early days, I hope to accumulate a good amount before the game is released.

Sounds great but for zing u are still early! zing has potential to become big

Muy prometedor parece este juego Cholito, buenos días!!😀

Hola, si se ve muy prometedor.

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