Should we limit markdown options at dPoll?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

Should we limit markdown options at dPoll?

dPoll will change it's design to a more professional version in the future. With that change, we're thinking about limiting markdown usage on the platform to keep the design consistent.

Allowing all markdown options gives freedom to poll owners creates inconsistency in dPoll views. E.g: Very big headers.

Markdown will be available for only a couple of usages like:

  • bold
  • italic
  • quotes
  • images

Shoot in the additional comment input after voting at dPoll if you think there should be more markdown options are whitelisted.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Neutral

Answer the question at


Voted for No.




Make it look

More professional?

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes.

I'd also like underlining.

Poll expired?

Posted using Partiko Android

There was a problem with the Steemconnect. It should be synchronized now. Can you try again? :)

Yep, it's ok now ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes.

It's ok now!
Include <center>

Voted for Yes.

Links should be sorted, too.

oh, of course, links should be available. :-)

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes.

My poll from yesterday:
...that moment when I realized there're no tables and animated gif's granted...
However we're gonna stick to the permanent template for creating polls.
Thanks! ;)

p.s. This was also an experiment from me, because this link is still available on the other platforms (Steemit, Busy) with all markdown ON and I think this way it can attract new people to try by itself...somehow..

I hear you.

However, busy and Steemit has a general use for blogging which makes them ideal for full markdown support. dPoll is not in the same category. :)

We opened a dpoll issue with your poll as example:)

Hope it helps...somehow ;)

Voted for Yes.

we are still in beta.
we can add more step by step

Voted for No.

Limiting is good idea. And you have to draw the line somewhere so I think it is a subjective call where ever the devs decide

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes.

Definitely need to limit the image size, they are fucking huge.

Voted for No.

Voted for Yes.

I think you we should have all the possible markdown format. Some dpollers might be creative in using them. For example, I would love to be able to write in colors for creative and styling reasons.

Thank you so much for participating the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

Voted for No.

Voted for Neutral.

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Neutral.

Voted for Yes.

Might be a niche demand but I would like to have the option to use thumbnails as choice options in a dpoll.

Voted for Yes.

I think it's fine to limit the Markdown to get a consistent design.

One year old !BEER