Resetting the world

in Black And White4 months ago

Lisbon street photography bw 3.jpg

Sometimes, when I start editing photos, I ask myself "Didn't I shoot this one already?". It does look like I shoot the same thing whenever I visit Lisbon. The old parts with narrow streets and old buildings, tiny balconies that look so sad for some reason, lamps... They might all look similar, but they are not.

What I like the most about this part of the city is that the modern word mixes up with the old-fashioned style. The fancy brands, cars, and expensive shops stand right next to old, tiny balconies and falling apart walls.
As if one era was thrown to where it doesn't belong. But which one?

I like them both. I like that it mixes, and I like that just around the corner, you can see something you did not expect. One minute you are in a big, buzzing capital city, and the next you are transported to a small town with a slower pace.

Yes, I did mention in some posts before that I like contrasts like that.

Lisbon street photography bw 1.jpg

Right on the main street, there are tiny shops filled with traditional food and snacks. Be it cookies or some savory pasties. The codfish one is pretty good, though typically for the place, it is overpriced :p

Lisbon street photography bw 2.jpg

Streets with restaurants and shops end up with a few abandoned windows.
One would think that property in this part of the town would sell like hot buns.

Lisbon street photography bw 5.jpg

I still don't dare to photograph people right in their face. I wouldn't want that, so I avoid doing it too.
Other parts are another story. :)

Lisbon street photography bw 7.jpg

One of the coolest stickers in the a perfect spot I saw.

Lisbon street photography bw 8.jpg


Bonus monochrome song:
Tricky - The Only Way
year 2017

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Nikkor 18-55mm lens
All photos and text are my own.


Mono banner.png


Loving the mono views, brings a different perspective to photography (in general). Lisbon I have only visited once, in 2023, found it to be a pretty decent city to visit

Thank you!
I think generally people visiting like it. There is a lot to see and the city has its own cool feel.

Yes I did enjoy it very much only a couple of days, but crammed with stuff

Ha - someone spots stickers now 😁

It seems that the world still didn't reset... or? From where do I write now?

They are everywhereeeeee!! :D
I still dont get why people do it, but some, like this one was quite funny.

It seems that the world still didn't reset.

Button is broken :(

Good afternoon dear friend @ewkaw
What a beautiful city, I like the architecture of the period buildings, the narrow and cobblestone streets. There are many things about this city that are very similar to the city of Buenos Aires. Argentina
Urban photographs, especially when there are people, are complicated to photograph, it is not something that attracts people, you have to be very careful and avoid a conflict
I love monochromatic shots, these are really beautiful
Have a beautiful night and a happy rest

Yea, I try not to be too invasive when taking photos on the streets. So far so good :)

The first one picture is really amazing, congratulations friend, nice post, greetings 🙋🙋🙋

Thanks a lot :)

This is a wonderful example of street photography done with talent... But...


The best thing I've seen today in #Hive!... Thank you for sharing my dear and very creative friend!


Thank you! I still have a lot to learn, but I am enjoying it more and more :)

The best thing I've seen today in #Hive!

Yayyy :D :D

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If only that button was actually working :)

Nice shots!

It doesn't... I tried a few time and nothing happened :p

Thank you :)

I like every picture.
I find it interesting to take them this way in black and white because it's as if each photo can speak for itself. Together they could tell an excellent movie story.

Thank you!

We kind of need a real button like that one, given how humanity is evolving... :) Lovely photos!

Yep... Can you imagine how popular it would be? :p

Thank you :)

I would be smashing it! :)

I burned my milk - smash!
bad hair day - smash!
Missed the buss - smash!
Oh so that's the euromillions numbers.... - smash smash smash!!!!!



Oh, what a healthy button. 😅☕ And the restart has to bring coffee.

Yes please.. and cheesecake :D

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What if, what if?

One can only dream.... :)

Cute stickers, but what is the button for actually?

Its for pedestrian crossing :D To stop the cars.

"Push to reset the world" 😄 lol

Haha good one, eh? :D

One of the coolest stickers in the a perfect spot I saw.

I wish that sticker was real only God knows how many times I would have reset the world😂😂

Yea, I bet many people would :D

At which time button is pushed?
Asking for a friend :D

After the pizza :p

So we actually never had apple cheese pie? :D

What will happen if you push that button? Haha.

Apparently nothing :p

The feel of black and white is too beautiful. Nice shots!

Thanks a lot :)

I really liked the third image! good shots

Thank you :)

I wish a single button can solve all our problems
Life would have been easier😉

Everyone would love a button like this :)

Honestly 😅

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