Half The World Away - Lightpainting on Hive

in Lightpainters United4 years ago


Good afternoon Hiveworld. I hope life is good and that you've had an amazing weekend.

Here is a bit of a throwback shot from a couple of years ago using some black card which I had cut out. It's like art at school as you have to draw them, then cut them out and arrange in the frame. The most enjoyable element is when I get to light them up at the and.

I saw a cool image on 500px earlier of the silhouette of a man stood on the edge of a cliff in the rain. Lacking in ideas for the night I thought I'd give it a go and put my own slant on it.
I drew and cut out the cliffs and figures and attached them to my diorama frame. Beauty dish behind for the moon and black fiber optic lp brush in the foreground leading in with the bokeh.
Bit of a faff in light room with a warming of the white balance as I felt a warmer feel suited the image better.

Also inspired by an awesome track from Oasis back in the day.

Here are a few more cardboard creations I have come up with in the past...


This shot is everything I love about light painting. The creative thought process before finding an idea and working out the intricacies of it. The realisation of something conjured up in your head and the escapism I find magical. Looking at the work of others who do the same and being taken inside their heads is something I love too. I know this is true with any form of artistic expression but something resonates with me when its light painting. The fact that you capture a scene which has never happened as a moment and is unveiled at the end causes me a feeling of excitement I don't feel with anything else.


I enjoyed my time with my little hermaphrodite friend the other night but knew trying to incorporate one of its mates into an lp shot would be impossible. I therefore drew a snail and mounted it on a twig. I reused the stars and moon backdrop from a previous shot and set about framing and positioning. I'll post a set up shot in the comments so I don't have to go through it all.

Pop of snooted flash at the beginning of the exposure through some vape from my ecig, just clipping the snail and the tree for a little rim light. Lit the lowest portion of the frame with the torch set to orange for some faux light pollution. Then on blue for the main body of the sky. Round the back and lit the moon and stars with the led lenser.
Quite a few goes at this one due to the amount of elements and the hard to control vape.


Had to be a quickie this evening as short on time. I got the cardboard cut out from the other night and drew a new silhouette of someone jumping the void. I decided to try for some star trails as the back lighting here.
Simple as they come to get this one. Herramientas bubble rod attached to my Led Lenser. Held by the strap and swung behind the diorama to create the perfect curve of the star trails.


Modded Helios, tinfoil, 10w rgb pool bulb and some cardboard.


I started watching a new programme on Netflix called Apostle. It has a scene in which looked a bit like this.
Cardboard, wirewool, lens and tripod swap finished with some www.lightpaintingbrushes.com black fibers.



I sifted through the cardboard catalog tonight and found this spiritual creature. Stuck her on a piece of ceiling light perspex and lit her up. www.lightpaintingbrushes.com black fibers, orange and blue filter attachments and a Ryus Lightworks vii wonder torch. I lit from behind using those tools then a swift tripod swap to the other dimension which exists inside Riley's old coat.
Long exposure light art shot in the darkness of my front room.

I hope you enjoyed all of these and I also hope it inspires you to have a go yourself. All you need is a camera capable of a long exposure, some black cardboard, a torch and some imagination. If you give it a go be sure to tag me as I would love to see you have a go.

Thanks for reading this far through and I'll catch you again soon for some more light painting creativity.

Happy days.

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For more examples of innovative and original lightpainting including camera rotation photography, check these lightpainters: @fastchrisuk @dawnoner @mafufuma @oddballgraphics @martbarras @stefan.stepko @rod.evans.visual @yo-hoho @maxpateau These chaps are amongst the best there is!

 4 years ago  

Tasty stuff here! I love your cardboard Créations.

 4 years ago  

Cheers Mafu. I enjoy doing them buddy.

 4 years ago  

Cool stuff pal, the one on the bench is still a fave

 4 years ago  

I'll have to dig him out and do another with him. Ta pal.