My blogging has all gone horribly wrong - I need geek help!
I know I'm guilty of mocking the odd geek on occasion, but today I'm very confused...
On Steemit I used to do by blog posts on Wordpress and then Steempress would automatically copy them to Steemit.
After the hardfork I thought I'd disabled Steempress because I wanted nothing more to do with the Steemit platform.
Being busy with a bunch of other stuff like researching the plandemic, using Hive, and selling Vitamin C, I didn't post anything on my Wordpress blog.
Until now - I'll copy some of my Hive posts I thought, and did a couple. To my surprise they have been reposted to Hive (but not to my Steemit account). And I can't see any way to delete them from Hive, so bugger it, I'll add intros and roll with it.
Any geeks know what time it is?
I'll post a picture of a geek now. After that the rest of the post is just a copy of my earlier post about not mocking our allies. Except geeks maybe :)
PS. OK, now I know the answer!
Steempress has been changed to post to Hive instead of Steemit but hasn't changed it's name to Hivepress like I thought it would. And I hadn't actually disabled it. But I think I may have become a geek anyway:
SteemPress is a WordPress plugin that connects any blog to the hive blockchain.
Hive is a blockchain where content and contributions are rewarded with the crypto currency hive based on the upvotes from users. The HIVE tokens can then be traded online with 0 transaction costs and with 3 second transaction time.
What benefits can a blog owner get by sharing posts on hive hive blockchain?
• It can help you reach new audiences as people browsing nay app or website displaying content stored on the hive blockchain can see your post.
• It may provide a new source of income through earning HIVE tokens.
• It will help store your content securely on an un-censorable blockchain.
To use SteemPress you will need a hive account which can be made for free when signing up through
You can also follow the value of a HIVE token here:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email on, or join our Discord channel together with many other users through
Like a lot of us non-conformist freaks who question what we are told, I often find my opinions are a long way from mainstream. In fact some people think I’m a fruitloop and get hot and bothered because they think I should be censored.
Some of them post replies that hurt my feelings. They say hateful things like “I dnt actualy bliv ths. I nid mor proof” and “your a moron cuz you don’t no shit”
There are not all that many of us non-believing, conspiracy theorist lunatics out there, but if we find ourselves in a large pen surrounded by creatures who keep saying “baah”, we are all stuck in the same pen even if we disagree about a few details.
Nobody gets everything right all the time, but some people get quite a few things right. They do a lot better than average. And those are the people I want to hang out with online. Finding them is a bit like panning for gold. You have to sift through a lot of mud to find a few good nuggets.
After discussing variations of the current problem reaction solution psyop online for 20 years I thought none of what is happening now would surprise me. But I WAS WRONG! - I’m stunned at just how fast nearly everyone started begging to be put in a pen. No matter just how obviously fake the politicians, media, and assorted celeb glove puppets leading the charge to submission actually are, most people believe them anyway and willingly (in many cases enthusiastically) submit.
I over estimated the public capacity to detect bullshit when a bucket of it was tipped over their heads. It appears a vast number of people truly don’t know shit from chewed dates, and I completely failed to predict the extent of that.
This has really brought home to me that there are not all that many of us out there who see through this stuff, and even if we disagree about a few things, we are still on the same team.
Another wake up for me is that believers really are scared of getting sick from something that to me is just another work of fiction to be actively mocked. Because I don’t give a toss about the threat of catching yet another variation of the flu, I never realised just how terrified of it they are.
But we are all on different levels, and I’m still sometimes fearful of the entity referred to as “the global elite” or "globalists", or “the new world order” or “zionists”. Fear is a pretty useless emotion on any level. I can see overcoming my fear of a bunch of rich satan worshipping paedophiles is an essential next step. If they are real, then our fear is their greatest weapon against us. Let go of that fear and much of their power is as imaginary as a fictional virus.
There are undoubtedly people on more advanced levels of consciousness looking at me, who want to say “chill out bro, none of this is real, you create your own reality”. We are all in a phase of accelerated learning right now, and nobody knows everything. I’m doing my best to pass on some insights from where I’m at now, and hopefully I’ll become wiser as I continue onwards.
So now I’m attempting to cut all those clueless woolly fuckers some slack, while passing around a few choice blunts to everyone else in Team What The Fuck Is Really Going On?
So even if I think you believe in some slightly misguided bollocks, if you are outside the sheeple pen (or want to be), I’ll do my best at sticking to points to agree on, and I’ll stop going on about your weird fetishes. Because we need as many of us as possible on the same team to get that pen gate back open.
In my own household, I have some baah-baahs, that are driving me up the wall with hysteria and panic attacks. I get taking precautions, but letting this thing rule over your life - that's ridiculous.
And not to mention that when I tell them that the lockdown and the slowdown of economic activity will kill more people than the virus, they look at me with glazed eyes...
baah, baah, baah...
The pertinent question to your post, is 'How do you get the sheep to think?'
The more I see, the more I think there is no hope for them. Seriously.
Hopefully, mocking them to a state of rage will help....(by creating enough heat, it may result in melting the bars of the cell, that they've made for themselves)
I don't think trying to get them to think is necessary (or beneficial). The non-conformists of the world should merely try to give themselves as much freedom and joy and prosperity as they can and, hopefully, those who can be swayed will be by the power of our example.
I have spent years trying to educate and motivate my friends and acquaintances, but to this day I have not managed to convince more than one person (my best friend saw the error of his ways, but one could argue that he would have eventually gotten there even without my nudging).
People are emotional beasts and there is nothing more influential than conviction. And conviction does not care about what others say or do or think. My one and only successful conversion of a miserable conformist into a free-thinking powerhouse of a man (the aforementioned best friend) came when I wasn't actually trying to accomplish anything or convince anyone.
I was a detached and full of conviction. But I didn't actually give a flying frak! might like
I'm now thinking that may be the key to it - only took me 22 years to get that (yes I started out online with water fluoridation in 98!)
chill out bro, none of this is real, you create your own realityThese people used to really get to me. I was late to the internet (AOL7.0) and encountered a lot of that as I joined groups discussing philosophies and religion. They never could convince me that I chose as a defenseless little kid for my mom to marry some dude with a violent temper who liked to take it out on little defenseless kids. Yeah, bug pass on that bullshit. I could cite more instances, like all the young men sent to die for rich folk (or kill other young men in their respective countries sent to die for their rich folk).
I too am surprised at the speed of this as it unfolds. Seems like now would be a great time to live the life of Tom Hanks in whatever that movie was where he was on the island and his best friend was the Wilson ball.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
Oh, you are most definitely a fruitloop, and we need a variety for the bowl to look good. ;D
I dont think you were the only one to overestimate the waking of the populous. There have been a few saying it and as much as I wanted to believe it, I knew deep down it wasn't true. I've reached the conclusion that a lot of people can see through a certain amount of things, but it doesn't mean they won't still follow the flock. Fear is the biggest motivator for that, whether it's fear of a hyped up disease or fear of speaking out.
I get the impression your reaching a similar place to me. There is no point letting our fear control us, especially if it's something beyond our control. In a way, we probably just give them more control and they don't care how that control comes as long as they have it. An awareness that things are not what they seem may be the only thing we have, to at least spot the lies and not let them influence us. I often wonder how many conspiracy theories are thrown in just to discredit the true ones in there and make us all into fruitloops.
So, was "sifting" through stuff what gave rise to your other alias?
Yes it was certainly from sifting - when Steemit was first set up they reserved every four letter word account name they could think of so sift was gone - they missed frot though! (I do have one other but it's a state secret)
so i was sift666 because i was researching satanic symbolism at the time
All works out in the end..
WTF..... Where U get the photo of my Mom...???
These sheep are painful to us and themselves ☹️
United we stand, divided we fall
I think this is the right path. (says me, of all people).
to steal someone else's analogy...
'What do you do if someone is drowning in a stream? Do you mock them as they go past, or do you hold out your hand, to help them?'
People are drowning in the stream of fear, so the question becomes, how do we help them? (hand or mock?).
MY problem is, that I've never drowned in this stream, and if someone mocked me, it would give me the incentive me to start swimming!
(so my response is not the 'norm', and I'm terrible at taking that into account. Ooops)
yesterday a man in a car drove past screaming "the beast is going to kill you all" - i think some people may be losing it
today we were walking along the footpath and a woman turned side-wise and pressed herself up against a fence because we didn't move over - and that was Deb not moving - usually it's me - I've had enough of moving over for sheeple, if they want to shit themselves I'm going to walk along like vlad the impaler watching them scatter like rabbits.
i know it's not very evolved, but if it's going to be divide and conquer I'm not going to hide which side I'm on any more
new zealand is still sheep nation but more people are waking up
'Walking like vlad' is not the same as walking like vlad, and laughing at people who say 'baah' all the time....
(says me, who takes the piss constantly)
anyone ever told you that you can be confusing?
All the time..
You need to find satan!
I found one of his little helpers, does that count?