Battle Mage Secrets : CLOSE RANGE | Beware Of My Archers, They Are Deadly From The Front Line Too.

Hello there my Splinterlands Fam.
How are you today.? I hope you all are doing great.

With retiring the Share Your Battle weekly challenge, the Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge is live. I must say, the new challenge is much more competitive and challenging because it's not about a card but about a specific ruleset. And you have to fight more battles to pick one to share. It's fun writing though.
I surely will miss the old Share Your Battle challenge.

This is the 6th week of this challenge and this week's Battle Mage Secrets challenge is about the Close Range ruleset.

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Just like the previous challenges in this blog, I'll discuss about the Close Range ruleset and share the best battle playing in this ruleset.
So, read on...

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A Few Words About The Close Range Ruleset

In the 'close range' ruleset, ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Because of this, we can safely use as many ranged attack monsters as we need. The best strategy here is to use a high HP (even better having a 'heal' ability) melee attack monster as a tank and use high attack ranged attack monsters afterward.
Consider using summoners that give a +1 ranged attack buff such as Yodin Zaku, General Sloan, Selenia Sky etc.
Beware if your enemy uses any 'return fire' buff summoner such as Lir Deepswimmer and Ilthain. If he used it, you can't really do anything unless you have monsters having a 'heal' ability.

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Now I'm sharing my strategy and the lineup for the best battle I won while the Close Range ruleset is active.



Mana Cap: 48
Ruleset :-
Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in the battle.
Up To Eleven: All monsters have the Amplify ability.
Active Splinter: Fire, Water, Life, Death.

My Strategy and Team Setup


Alric Stormbringer

Alric Stormbringer.png

As you all know, my preferred team is a magic attack-based team from the water Splinter and Alric Stormbringer is my favorite summoner above all summoners of Splinterlands.

Team Setup

Team setup.png

After a long time, I used Baakjira as the tank of my team. There was a time when I was using Baakjira in battles whenever I can.
Anyway, in the second position, I placed Djinn Oshannus as a second tank. Its 'void' and 'phase' ability makes him a perfect second tank.
Nerissa Tridawn was in third place. She has good HP and attack power.
In fourth place, there was the Ruler Of The Seas. He is the most important monster of the team, having two very useful abilities, 'blast' and 'swiftness'.
In the fifth position, I placed Venari Wavesmith has the 'protect' ability. In the last position, there was the River Hellondale.

Now, that my team is ready, let's charge into the battle...

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Round 01

Round 01.gif

Round 02

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Round 03 / 04

Round 03 04.gif

Round 05 / 06 / 07

Round 05 06 07.gif

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Key Points Of This Battle

Speed is the key point to winning this battle. My team is faster than the enemy team, thanks to the Ruler Of The Seas. Than again Baakjira made the enemy team slower.
My enemy did a clever job by using the Grandmaster Rathe as the summoner who provides the team 'void armor' ability and Uriel The Purifier is a strong tank to defeat. Still, my strong magic attack team demolishes him not once but twice as my used a 'resurrect' ability monster.
Overall, it was a good strategy that brings me winning.

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And that's all for today, guys.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article. So, don't forget to keep me encouraged with your upvotes and comments.

I'm happy to share with you the strategy, and team combination as well as the gameplay of the good battles every week.
So, if you guys like my writing, please follow me for the latest updates.

If you want to try this fun play2earn game Splinterlands, feel free to join here -

Until next time,
Akash Kumar.

#vyb #proofofbrain #cent #pimp

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