St. Peter's Church in Vienna

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

Yesterday we not only visited St.Stephen's Cathedral but we also stopped by at St.Peter's Church. Unfortunatelly I missed to take a photo from the outside, however, the Barocque Interior of St.Peter's Church is more interesting anyway.















I am late checking this out, have not been on Hive for a while.
You missed the relics in the glass coffins of St. Benedict and St. Donatius. They are hard to take photos of because of the reflections, but you got a much better camera, and possibly a polarizing filter (that I lack). Anyway, here they are

Tolle Aufnahmen, aber sie wirken etwas rotstichig (zumindest auf meinem PC).

Everything in there is so beautiful and intricate and amazing to look at and probably a lot of fun to dust/polish XD

Looks like being in there would have been an experience.

It's nice Baroque Church, but nothing extraordinary.

I don't think I've seen too many in that style so I'm easily impressed XD

Great captures. With the lighting, all the gold accents seem to actually glow 👍


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