A divine woman

in Alien Art Hive7 months ago

**Hello dear Freinds **

In a digital world, a divine woman emerges, like an apparition from another time and place. Her enigmatic beauty and mysterious strength captivate the imagination, like a dream come to life.

She is dressed in a pure white gown, which floats around her like mist. Her skin is pale as the moon, and her hair is black as ebony. Her eyes are large and deep, like wells of mystery.

On her head, she wears a crown of golden horns. The horns are long and pointed, like those of a deer or bull. They are a symbol of her strength and power.

The woman is surrounded by a halo of light, making her even more enigmatic. She is a symbol of femininity in all its complexity, both beautiful and powerful, mysterious and inspiring.

She is a goddess of nature, a protector of animals and plants. She is a source of wisdom and knowledge. She is an inspiration to all who see her.

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Peace and Love
Paix et amour


I generate Typography images on IdeoGram
I use Bard to enhance the clarity, conciseness, and accuracy of my writing
I generate images on Leonardo
Awesome Memes Generator
Artificial Intelligence Art Universe Group
Midjourney Official Facebook Group
