Ain't rid of me yet | LOH Contest #153

in Ladies of Hive8 months ago

It’s not very often that I find a writing theme on Hive that quickens the heart quite as this one. The latest Ladies of Hive community contest poses a rather interesting question to the wonderful chicas on the blockchain.

Do you still see yourself here on Hive 5 years from now? How would your Hive portfolio (HP, HBD Savings, HE token holdings) look like by then?

For a commitment freak like me, the resounding “yes” in my heart when I read this came as quite a shock. What do I mean by that? I mean that for as long as I’ve known myself, I’ve had an uneasy relationship with commitment. I can commit to close friends and family, but that’s pretty much it. Romantically, I get jitters at the prospect of commitment. To an extent, I think my love of travelling plays into it, as well. I get uneasy when I’m in a place too long. Even recently, moving into my new place, I got horribly anxious. I felt, in a way, that if I move here, I might never leave. I don’t know why. I like places and people I can leave easily. And I know, it’s an issue, one I’m working through in my way. But that’s not the point here.

The point is, with this question, were it something else, I would’ve probably said “well, let’s see in 5 years, shall we?”

But with Hive, I just knew. I’ve already been here six, and if anything I feel less like leaving than when I was a newbie, hardly at all invested in the platform. Now, obviously, there’s no telling what will come in five years’ time, but in as much as it depends on me, I’d wager that yeah, I’ll be here in five years.


Honestly, I don’t know. I could say “community”, it’s a classic answer, but that one changes. Most of the people I knew on here five years ago aren’t around now, and while the ones I’ve met meanwhile are wonderful, I can’t genuinely say I stayed on Hive for the people I knew five years ago, right?

I like having a place to write.

It’s selfish, but a lot more honest. I love having a space to write where I can talk at length. And as you know, I can ramble quite a bit. I like writing. I’d probably write anyway, but it’s not the same when you’re writing to the empty, you know? I like knowing that you’ll read, and maybe an idea or a response will form in your brain, and we will have created dialogue. It’s thrilling like I don’t know what.

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-26 at 13.10.37.jpeg

What about this portfolio business?

Man, I wish I had an answer for that. Truth is, I’ve never been a person who got into this for the cash. It’s not that I don’t like the money, but I don’t know how. I lack the fine skills and the financial knowledge to do this for the money.

I don’t know how to invest, or what to invest in, honestly. I’d like to. I imagine I’d be better off if I did, but then, I’d probably be a lot more anxious too, and as we saw previous, I’m plenty anxious already.

So I’ve no clue what my portfolio will look like in five years. Ideally, I’d be able to keep everything in HP. I’ve had one or two times in the past six years when I took out most of everything I had on here. When Bitcoin went big...what was it, 2018? Man, that was a trip. At 19, I’d never earned that kinda cash before.

But hopefully, I’d manage to keep my HP on here, to “curate”. Another think I don’t know how to do, and never bothered to learn.

I’m a simple person on the blockchain. I like having more money to support the people I like on here. I know there’s a whole thing, the more a post earns, the more I as a voter get in curation. Whatever. I don’t do that. If anything, I’ll vote with less power on the big paying posts -- they’re getting good money, let my two cents go to someone else who might need it more.

So long post short, I don’t know what the future will bring financially. Hopefully, my portfolio will be ten times what it is. Hey, as long as we’re dreaming, eh? But truth be told, I’d probably be on here if I had 10 Hive in my account. It’d suck for some of the people I love reading, since I wouldn’t be able to support them as well, but hey, I’d still be around. And as a writer, I find, as long as we’re not talking Elon Musk levels of wealth, I’d rather go without a few cents and get some honest engagement (than vice versa).

So yeah, thanks LOH for the prompt, it’s been fun, and see you around :)



It's amazing when something gets our heart. Glad to read Hive got yours and you are here to stay :) This is truly a great space to write about many things and we know that whatever we create here remain ours.

So cool that you want to keep your HP to help others through your curation. That's how we help in spreading HIVE to others.

Thank you for this.


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Honestly, I see myself here even in the next ten years and I'm sure that this platform will even be bigger and greater by then so we should jeep striving to push the platform instead of being pessimistic

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you!!


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@ladiesofhive, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @honeydue and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (5/30 calls)

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Hey you.

Well there's the good people (of course!) and why I was hooked right from the get go (honestly).

But more... since we are talking having a place to write and earnings - Hive seems to be the leader in earnings on social media. By a LOT, by the way! Yes we do it for the love. But it is hard work and fuck knows it helps ease the pain of creating to be validated with it actually paying decently, at times.


I thought you meant your creative portfolio 😆

I still have a lot to learn about that bit and no inkling to sit down and learn it. About that husband who's good with the money stuff...

Did someone mention commitment? *dust clouds as I head over the hill

Love you, Honey.

So glad you're a part of my circle on the chain of social connectiion <3

I have yet to post on LOH, but now I am tempted to give it a try. The trouble is, I'd be just repeating a lot of the things you said. LOL

@sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP

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Hive is so huge and complex and it changes day by day. I suppose that’s why there is no issue with committing, you just show up and do what you love, while watching hive change and grow. People come and go and even in my short year here my circle changed and evolved, so you’re right, we’re not committing to certain individuals, but taking each day as it goes.

Congratulations on 2nd place in the writing contest 🥳💙

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