Nothing You Can Teach Me

Title of this one's a bit of a lie. Only a smidge. To keep things interesting. I actually think you can learn from all interactions in your life, no matter how seemingly random or inconsequential. And finally, I'm at a point in my existence where I can do that. Keep an eye on what those around me have to teach me.

Be warned, it's not always on the nose, so you may have to go searching for it.

I was thinking yesterday about this. And about our tendency to keep re-learning the same thing over and again. Even, sometimes, from the same teacher. Trouble with that is that even when you somehow manage to avoid all the triggers and the moping and the dollops of ice-cream while crying, at the end of the day, you're still left with the mess of all the time you wasted learning said lesson.

Is time wasted?

I tend to think no, as long as it's spent in love and leaves you with a lesson or a better understanding of yourself. At the same time, can't help but think some lessons could be taught sooner, if you see what I mean.

It's in our nature as humans to capsize in some encounters far longer than they can accommodate us.

And that's a dangerous thing, because when you finally step out, you're forced to realize you've spent months (maybe even years) in this so-and-so place. You wouldn't believe the number of people who then step back inside. Adopt the "I've made my bed" mentality and just stick it through in a shitty situation. A shitty life. Relationship. Career. Place.

It's tempting. Far more so than looking back and accepting the time you've lost.

Me, I think it's kind of a gamble. Even though I'm no gambler. The way I see it, you can let the money you've lost depress you and trick you into spending more and more hoping you'll somehow win everything back eventually. That works occasionally. More often, that story ends with you losing everything you got.

And I ain't the person to do that. Gotta realize the time to cut your losses and stand up from the table. And maybe a little music can smooth the ride along.

I made this over on Medium, hence the Amy mood. One of my favorite artists for getting up from tables that no longer suit.

I also wrote a piece starting from this Nina piece. A classic. But that's not out yet, so until then, all we got is the music.

What about you? You a 'gambling man'?

(A big hug to @ablaze for encouraging us to listen to music for no other reason than its inherent loveliness.)



What about you? You a 'gambling man'?

I consider nearly everything in our lives a gamble so I think that everyone is a gambler at some level. That being said I try to play less dice and blackjack because I have lost a lot of Hive that way. Dice are the worst. At times I saw 8-9 rolls in a row below/ above 50. Like what are the odds of that happening... I enjoy playing splinterlands and there is a bit of gamble because you don't know what you will get while opening packs. But all in all it is more about strategy and having good cards and less about luck.

But all in all it is more about strategy and having good cards and less about luck.

Guess that could be said about life, too :) You're right, it's all a toss of the dice.

 4 months ago  


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Wes & Grindan

Curated by wesphilbin

Oh yeah, Nina Simone was the queen of what she did. That voice. There is no misunderstanding that voice.