How to Tail the STEEM Blockchain in Ruby

in #radiator8 years ago

Ever want to just watch the blockchain from a terminal, as if you're tailing a log file? Here's how to do that in ruby.

As always, we use Radiator with bundler. You can get bundler with this command:

$ gem install bundler

I've tested it on various versions of ruby. The oldest one I got it to work was:

ruby 2.0.0p645 (2015-04-13 revision 50299) [x86_64-darwin14.4.0]

First, make a project folder:

$ mkdir radiator
$ cd radiator

Create a file named Gemfile containing:

source ''
gem 'radiator', github: 'inertia186/radiator'
gem 'awesome_print'

Then run the command:

$ bundle install

Create a file named tail_blockchain.rb containing:

require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'


stream =
last_op = nil
pattern = ARGV.first

stream.operations do |operation|
  if !!pattern
    next unless operation.inspect =~ /#{pattern}/i
  op_key = operation.keys.first
  op_value = operation.values.first
  log = []

  case op_key
  when :comment
    (v = op_value.title).empty? or log << "title: #{v}"
    (v = op_value.parent_author).empty? or log << "parent_author: #{v}"
    (v = op_value.parent_permlink).empty? or log << "parent_permlink: #{v}"
    log << "author: #{}"
    log << "permlink: #{op_value.permlink}"
  when :vote
    log << "weight: #{op_value.weight / 100} %"
    log << "voter: #{op_value.voter}"
    log << "author: #{}, permlink: #{op_value.permlink}"
  when :custom_json
    log << "id: #{}"
    log << "json: #{op_value.json}"
  when :transfer
    log << "from: #{op_value.from}"
    log << "to: #{}"
    log << "amount: #{op_value.amount}"
    (v = op_value.memo).empty? or log << "memo: #{v}"
  else log << op_value.to_json

  ap op_key if last_op != op_key
  ap log.join(', ')
  last_op = op_key

Then run it:

$ ruby tail_blockchain.rb

You can also pass along a regex pattern to match on:

$ ruby tail_blockchain.rb ned

Note, the comment operation (which also represents posts) does not output the body. If the operation, including the body, contains the optional regex, it will display that line without the body so it doesn't flood the display.


See my previous Ruby How To posts in: #radiator #ruby


If you're curious, here's the output I'm currently seeing when I do ruby tail_blockchain.rb inertia:

I'm currently running this from my Raspberry Pi, using mosh to maintain my connection so it can run continuously, even if I disconnect/reconnect.

pretty awesome

Awesome indeed. Good job.

If you want to follow the Golos blockchain, just use this on line 6:

stream = '')