Do you want pob to grow? offer a service

in #proofofbrain3 years ago


I'm writing this content not to just post but its a letter to both the core teams and the community members. firstly i would like to my emotion on the success of #pobStreet.

#pobStreet is growing daily by the Grace of God and the support of everyone who dedicated their time and efforts, one of the things we have achieved is that #pobstreet is becoming an HELP DESK for everyone who doesn't understand things in the #pob community.

my target now is how to carry out some great ideas that are proposed by the #pobStreet members,an example is the use case.

now on my topic: do you want pob to grow? offer a service.

if we can all offer goods and service for we have all make things easier for the core teams. if you take this project seriously and the community as your family you don't have to wait for @proofofbrainio or any admin to take a step.

what do i mean by offer a service, as for me I want to try to accommodate and aquire a certain amout of #hive and #pob and proceed to creating a centralised exchange where you dont have to wait for buyers or sellers exchange your pob or hive which will incur a low transaction fee and some percentage will be sent to @null or burn.

advantages of this:

  • it will make it easier to exchange pob(buy or sell)

  • pob won't be easily manipulated

  • increase the burn which will have a great effect on the price in the future.

  • more stakes will come in since they can easily buy and sell without waiting for who to sell to or buy from.

the above listed is the effect that the service i'm willing to offer will have on the community.

you can also offer a service what you are good at, if you don't have idea i will drop some ideas of what you can offer and receive pob in exchange.

  • you can sell ebooks

  • you make pob an NFT market place

  • Gaming

and many more creativity out there that can grow the community.

but as for the core team you have to accept the ideas of the people who are willing to contribute to the community standard, as far as i know about cryptocurrency all the above listed will change things for this community.


This is an extremely good idea, the centralized exchange is nice because of the manipulation. I always saw pob to be like Travala(AVA), which is a token for paying for tourist experience and travelling and booking hotels. Imagine pob to be the official token for paying for educational services. It could be purchasing educational audios, videos, paying for tuition fees, and all that. The token won’t be limited to that though, but it will be most part of its use case. And of course gaming, because you use your brain to play games.

this is an extremely good idea, the centralized exchange is nice because of the manipulation. I always saw pob to be like Travala(AVA), which is a token for paying for tourist experience and travelling and booking hotels. Imagine pob to be the official token for paying for educational services. It could be purchasing educational audios, videos, paying for tuition fees, and all that. The token won’t be limited to that though, but it will be most part of its use case. And of course gaming, because you use your brain to play games.

Let me say apart from the good that you carry mate ,I Must say that Readthispleae as really make me not just to read the content alone ,but your comment too as an additional thing that I need to read and I must be very honest and sincere with you that this is just a perfect means of not just growing pob alone ,but also other coin too and I must just be honest with you by saying am totally with you on this mate

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Thanks a lot, glad to see you believe in the community also

this is an extremely good idea, the centralized exchange is nice because of the manipulation. I always saw pob to be like Travala(AVA), which is a token for paying for tourist experience and travelling and booking hotels. Imagine pob to be the official token for paying for educational services. It could be purchasing educational audios, videos, paying for tuition fees, and all that. The token won’t be limited to that though, but it will be most part of its use case. And of course gaming, because you use your brain to play games.

Let me say apart from the good that you carry mate ,I Must say that Readthispleae as really make me not just to read the content alone ,but your comment too as an additional thing that I need to read and I must be very honest and sincere with you that this is just a perfect means of not just growing pob alone ,but also other coin too and I must just be honest with you by saying am totally with you on this mate

A very good contribution from you mate and it is good to see your view on this too mate

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am really interested in the centralised exchange

the gaming part is the most exciting part in the crypto space now and the NTFs any token that supports that is going to the moon

The only service I can think of is helping others with taking better photographs and maybe assist in afterediting.
I also made some banners in the past.
But I don't really see how to create a service from that.
In the past I was active on some forums where you had threats like 'help me improve my photo'.

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Creation of the hashtag " #pobStreet "

In order to avoid the empty page "No feeds found"

Amazing idea @insight.pob, Well done. #pobStreet is a great success, good to see all the POB buzz we are having nowadays, thanks to the support of @onealfa. Its always better to try something then wait unexpectedly for a miracle. Its upto the community how we want to take things forward and make POB into a Brand and stand it out on whole Social Blockchain. @scholaris.pob, any updates from @proofofbrainio? Do we have any coming projects in developing?

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