My daughter found a Cicada shedding his shell!

in #storyinphotos5 years ago (edited)

Our children's biology lesson for the day: Cicada shedding his shell, right in their hand! The Cicada is climbing up her arm, as if it were a tree, while the wings extend and dry.

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wow that's incredible! Seriously.. metamorphosis up close.

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I love this @ironshield. Growing up in the deep south, the sound of the
"Locusts" (as we called them) making that distinctive sound in the
Evening was one of the most calming things for me. I love it then.
Unfortunately, now I suffer from severe Tinnitus, so I basically
Hear that sound 24/7/365 and it is maddening. Those
Cicada's can bite too, not venomous, but just as
A pinch sort of thing, so beware. Post upvoted.

I'm sorry you have Tinnitus, that must be aggravating. The Cicadas are quiet in the morning, but as the sun heats up the day, they start their buzzing. I didn't even know that Cicadas lived in Michigan! Thank you for your comment.

I'm sorry too, believe me.
You know they have a weird life cycle, right? The one you had, if you put it
Back would mate, then burrow into the ground around a tree and lay eggs,
The Pupae then come out in 7 yrs and molt like the one you had. And the
Cycle starts over.
I wrote a short poem about "an Evening in S Ga" or something like that
In which I incorporated the sounds of the cicada, whippoorwill and
Other things.
I'll try to find it and tag you.
It may be that the warming weather is allowing their range to
Move Northward @ironshield.

Here is that writing @ironshield, I tagged you but I'll post the link here.
I'm not trying to spam your post.

Thanks for your reply and thanks for the link, I'll be sure to check it out. We just found another Cicada just today. It flew away from us.

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This reminds me of the book The Very Quiet Cricket. I never know how to pronounce that word. Lol! Very cool to see one in real life.. well a picture of real life.

The girls have a cold and they are taking a break from their "schoolwork", but their education continues anyway! I think Cicada is pronounced si-kay-da.

I love getting to see this! It is so cool to see wings extending after a molt, I was lucky enough to be by the side of a creek early one morning when the mayfly larvae all decided to crawl out on the rocks and shed their nymph form and it was amazing to see what started out as little lumps expand out into wings. Insects are so cool. Great photos!

Insects are amazing. The larger the better... unless it's a spider. We like those to be small and harmless.

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Thank you!

I have been able to experience one coming out of its shell before. Really neat to watch!

Pretty amazing isn't it?


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