October 30 End of Season Rewards in Modern League Silver

in Splinterlands7 months ago

This is the first time I've finished a season in Silver League mode.


Honestly, I didn't like playing in Silver League Mode because my playing hours are limited to the high cost of battle energy recharge. I didn't want to pay for a 10 DEC per battle recharge, so I just waited for the hourly recharge.

I also didn't get much from playing Daily Focus, most of the time, I only received 7 chests, and none of their contents were enticing enough to make me want to play more and buy battle recharge. So this End of Season, I did not maintain my Silver League End of Season rank.

Here is the summary of my EOS Rewards:

End of Season Rewards - October 30, 2023 Summary

Total Chest - 11


SPS Token: 15.317
Merits: 7
Alchemy Potion: 1
1 Fungus Flinger Regular Foil
1 Madcap Magus Regular Foil
1 Drybone Barbarian Regular Foil


The truth is I was surprised by the rewards I received. Although I only obtained a few chests, the SPS Token rewards I got were much bigger compared to when I was playing in Bronze.
The only problem is I was earning more SPS in Rewards Points in Bronze League daily than this season. Overall, I think I will earn more if I go back to bronze while my SPS stake is still not that big.


Playing Splinterlands is not only enjoyable but also mentally stimulating and rewarding too.

If you're interested in trying out this game, you can start with a free account. However, free accounts do not offer rewards. To transform it into a Play-to-Earn experience, consider purchasing the Spellbook.





I didn't sign up for the company 401k.
I don't think I can run that far.

Credit: reddit
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