My Younger Sister Is Pregnant For My Husband, What Do I Do Now?

in #dpoll6 years ago

My Younger Sister Is Pregnant For My Husband, What Do I Do Now?

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Ebiere called me on Wednesday and asked me to come over, she was crying and sounded like the world was on her shoulders so i got dressed and zoomed off. When i got there, she was drinking and her baby was crying on the couch, i carried the baby and sang her to sleep after feed her pap. I went to Ebiere and asked her whats going on and she explained. In her exact words, she started;

"My younger sister just rounded up with her WAEC and so i asked her to come over and stay with me and my husband so wont end up getting pregnant like other girls in the village and she was very happy about it. I told my Hubby about it and he agreed to it since we had no Nanny and we really needed someone to baby sit my daughter Ella. A week later i sent her transport fare and she came over. Everything was okay and i didn't suspect my husband and my younger sister doing anything under my nose.

A year has gone passed and my sister took JAMB and was waiting on the submission list to come out. When i got back from work one day, i found my sister lying on the couch looking pale so i asked her what was going on. She said it was mere stomach ache so i dropped by the medicine shop and got her some pills. A week later i saw her vomiting and asked that we go see a doctor but both her and my Hubby ruled against it saying its nothing serious and that she will be fine. I suspected a fowl play and forced her to the hospital to see a doctor after my Hubby left for work.

I was confused and shocked because she was always at home and never go out to see any boyfriend so how could she be pregnant? Out of curiosity i asked her who was responsible and she said its my Hubby. I was shocked, i bursted into tears, how? when? Where? She was crying also and saying i should forgive her. I called my Mum and my Hubby family members and told them i want out of the market but they all told me that wasn't going to help.

I love my husband and i love my sister too, what do i do i'm so so confused. I can't share my Hubby with any woman let alone my own sister.
I can't let her keep the baby but my Hubby wants her to keep the baby. What do i do now?"

I'm as confused as Ebiere right now hence i'm throwing the question to you all. Please share your ideas with me.

What do you suggest? Please answer the question at

Leave the marriage.

Rent my sister another apartment and stick with my Hubby.

Share my Hubby with my younger Sister in the same house.


  • Leave the marriage.

  • Keep the baby as my own immediately my sister gives birth.

  • Share my Hubby with my Sister.

  • Rent an apartment for my sister while I stick to my marriage.

Answer the question at


Voted for Share my Hubby with my Sister..

Voted for Rent an apartment for my sister while I stick to my marriage..

I'm glad to see the baby will be born in all 4 available options. That is the most important part.

Nobody can decide for you, you must do it. But you have to confront the decisions and opinions of your husband and your sister, too.

I think at last you will do what your heart says, it isn't important what people say here (including me). We dont't know enough and it is not a matter of rational arguments. Women are emotional.

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This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @atombot.

Voted for Share my Hubby with my Sister..

Voted for Rent an apartment for my sister while I stick to my marriage..

Voted for Rent an apartment for my sister while I stick to my marriage..

Your daughter Ella needs you and it's good to be a loving family. I think it's good for your sister if she has her own rented apartment with her baby. You can support them at any time and your children can also become friends. Maybe you will be able to overcome this pain, it is said that time heals all wounds. It will arise, whatever happens, in each time you will know how to feel and then how to be. The children are free and carefree, they should feel very good. It's hard :..(. Do not be despondent :)

Voted for Rent an apartment for my sister while I stick to my marriage..