You just can't stop these guys

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)
Great news everyone (futurama pun intended)!

It turns out that Leo crew reached out to Dapplr team and I honestly think it is a good idea.

Firstly, I want to bold the fact that I've been long time supporter of Dapplr app and it's development, I did support their both proposals. I took part in beta testing and filed some minor bugs.

Unfortunately I got quite lost about the app in the process. Even though I have it installed, I use my browser to consume and engage with Hive and Leo. It's the way I do it, some people love to have a separate app for every app Web page.


Even though, I don't find myself as a target for this cooperation, but I know how my friends asked for simplicity and ease of Hive content consumption. Whether it will result in a clone app Leo branded or rebranding Hive, it will create further commotion about Leo. Dapplr was struggling to integrate token and this opens an opportunity to use existing token in cooperation.

Some people/projects refrain from using other tokens, because it raises ownership and control issues, but there's nothing wrong in betting on a winning horse.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Errm....I don't know but since my inception in the blockchain world, having to do everything through browsers have just been "it" for me, playing games, blogging and all, even when Splinterlands brought out a mobile app, ive hardly used it, I'm not sure how this will pan out but I'm willing to find out

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I even use ig via browser 🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly what I'm saying 😂😂😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Jakies benefy w apce dappr sie zbiera?

Mają niby token, ale nie jest on na razie podpięty pod łańcuch. Jego ekonomia też nie wydaje się aż tak mocna (APX miał podobną i chyba ciężko przędzie). Apka jest ogólnie ładna i działa, dlatego pomysł z połączeniem działającego tokena z działająca apka jest spoko, zwłaszcza dla mojej inwestycji w Leo i LBI