in #computer6 years ago

So today we continue our series on computer worker stress. Today's post is on proper posture.

Proper posture allows you to keep the keyboard and mouse within reach while bending your elbows at approximately a ninety degree angle. Your shoulders should be relaxed. Maintaining tension in your shoulders will create problems later.

Keep your back straight and position your monitor at a level slightly below your eyes. It should be in the center of your vision. Having to look one way or the other to view your monitor puts unnecessary strain on your neck muscles.

Repetitive stress injuries may occur if you do not follow this advice, or they may just happen. If that is the case, then the best move is to get a break from the action that is causing the injuries.

Examine the work environment and see if there is anything about it, or about your positioning, that is contributing to the problem.

Our next post will be on resting while working.