The Crypto Maniacs Podcast - It's LEO Ads Payout Day!! Episode 285

in LeoFinance4 months ago

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This has been a long time coming....

LEO Ads are here!

Earlier this afternoon, during our live stream of the 'Maniacs show...The first ever LEO Ads payout took place!

What's the big deal?

Who cares?

What are you even talking about?

We dive into the excitement behind LEO Ads and the birth of true revenue sharing on #web3

It's an exciting time!!

We stream each and every week!

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I had one of the first few hundred accounts created on Twitter and if memory serves correctly:

The content (posts/tweets) were mainly just the developers and their friends posting about their interests and their social endeavors like what places they were eating at and such. It was a microcosm to the extreme.

Oh for sure....I remember tweeting by sending text messages lol

It stayed small for the first year or two then exploded.

Leo ads is a good initiative for the hive platform and will help a lot of people to passively increase their portfolio workout risking that much. Thanks for sharing.

The only risk, is not getting involved with $LEO!

It's nice to see the LEO ad payout. I checked my wallet and I saw it there. It is a bit sad to see that people use other web2 platforms for contacting others. There are things like threads but I don't think there is anything like direct messages just yet.

I know PeakD created something but it's really clunky and not very user friendly. It's coming though, I'm sure people are working on options.

I didn’t even hear that the Leo Ads are here already
I’ve not checked my Inleo account
Thanks for sharing with us!

The best way to generate passive income on chain!

Anuncios Leo 🦁 suena interesante, hay progresos.

Interesting discussions. I like how task approaches the data on the chain. More casual we take this with intentional data, it'd be easier to attract the traffic. By the way any idea on the frontends on chain showing old data and new posts not visible?

Not sure about that. Everything is out there on chain, but I guess it's up to the front ends what and how it's all displayed?

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This is a very nice and special update, we will see a huge increase in people's interest in this project and people who support this project will also get a little benefit.

One of the greate development update I am happy to hear is the fact that Leo ads is working

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The episode aired on January 18th, 2024, marking a significant day for Leo as the first Leo ads payout was distributed. Hosted by Jon G. Olson and Taskmaster, they discussed this milestone in detail, reflecting on its implications for users and the future revenue-sharing model the platform is moving towards. Despite initially planning to address a broad set of questions, the focus gravitated towards the Leo ads payout, emphasizing the control users have over their earnings through engagement and staking Leo. Discussions also ventured into the strategies devised by Taskmaster, like building databases with Leo glossary and enabling lasting content that iteratively generates revenue.

Detailed Article:

The January 18th episode of The Crypto Maniacs Podcast, co-hosted by Jon G. Olson and Taskmaster, marked a momentous day in the LeoFinance community as it coincided with the initial distribution of Leo ads payouts. The episode, taking a slight detour from its original agenda to address community questions, instead delved deeply into analyzing and celebrating this pivotal moment.

Taskmaster opened by highlighting the long-anticipated arrival of Leo ads payouts, underscoring it as a foundational moment that users had been eagerly awaiting. This move further entrenches LeoFinance's stance in the Web3 domain, embodying a true revenue-sharing model that rewards users for their stake and engagement on the platform.

Central to the episode was the notion of "control" users possess in influencing their earnings and the value they derive from the platform. Both hosts ardently advocated for active participation through threading, posting, and engaging with content to drive up the platform's page views and, by extension, ad revenue. They pointed out the simplicity yet potency of tasks like threading and linking Leo glossary pages to blog posts, emphasizing how these actions contribute to a more vibrant and revenue-generating ecosystem.

Taskmaster, in particular, shared insights on his long-term strategy involving building databases, specifically citing Leo Glossary and its role in generating sustainable, evergreen content. By linking posts to glossary pages and vice versa, he illustrated the multiplier effect this has on engagement and page views, which are pivotal in driving ad revenue. This strategy also underscores the potential exponential growth LeoFinance can experience by intensifying user interaction and content connectivity.

The episode significantly noted the immediate benefits received from the Leo ads payouts, with live examples from users including Taskmaster and Jon G. Olson, who shared their payouts, bolstering the message that everyone's collective efforts contribute to the pool from which these payouts are derived.

Taskmaster used the opportunity to critique the prevailing models of Web2 platforms, where ad revenues predominantly go to corporations rather than the users who fuel the platform's content and engagement. In contrast, LeoFinance's model was lauded for its equitable distribution mechanism, rewarding those who contribute to and hold stake in the platform.

In conclusion, the episode served as both a celebration of a milestone achieved and a clarion call to action for users to grasp the reins of their digital economic fate within LeoFinance. By fostering a more engaged, content-rich ecosystem, users not only stand to elevate their individual earnings through ad revenue sharing but also collectively steer LeoFinance toward becoming a bastion of user-centric, Web3 innovation.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.