The CryptoManiacs Podcast - LeoNode Is Coming! Episode 275

in LeoFinance6 months ago

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After Tuesday's epic rants we needed to calm it down a bit this episode lol

I know, I know....I need to learn when to relax and not get so fired up...Thankfully @taskmaster4450 was there to set me straight!

And in episode 275, we dive into a lot of LEO content and news :)

  • LeoNode is coming!

  • Brand new feature for #threadcast

  • The importance of actually using HBD

And so much more. Hope you enjoy the show!


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I hope that people just begin to use HBD in Hivepay soon but do you know why it is like that?

No idea, would love to see more people using it for day to day stuff on chain though!

me voy a integrar a esa comunidad Leo 🦁 después de todo me encantan las finanzas.

es fantástico. Un gran lugar para construir sobre blockchain

si lo estoy tomando en cuenta 😃..

It was a pretty good show. I think the idea of cocktails on threads is quite nice. It could end up something good. It sucks to hear that people didn't really want to use HBD in Hivepay.

It was rough. The amount of effort we put into it, and no one really ended up using it.

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In this episode of the Cryptomaniacs podcast, Jon and Taskmaster explore a variety of subjects, ranging from personal anecdotes about hair loss to more in-depth discussions about cryptocurrency, specifically focusing on LeoFinance, threads on Leo, the introduction of LeoAI, and the broader implications for Web3 and data. They also touched upon the recent developments with Threadcast and Leo Premium services. Throughout the episode, the conversation seamlessly transitions from light-hearted banter to more serious topics related to the crypto and blockchain industry.

The episode kicked off with Jon and Taskmaster sharing personal stories, including Taskmaster's humorous account of a hair-trimming mishap. The conversation then shifted towards more substantive topics, focusing on their activities on the LeoFinance platform and the broader crypto space. They discussed the recent initiative called Threadcast, praising its functionality and its potential to enhance interaction within the community. Jon and Taskmaster also delved into the significance of tokenized societies, specifically highlighting the importance of tokenization in the context of building a decentralised future and the essential role of data in this process.

One of the focal points of the episode was the introduction and discussion around LeoAI, a forthcoming feature on LeoFinance. They explored the potential capabilities of LeoAI, speculating on its functionality and how it might revolutionize the way users interact with content and data on the platform. Furthermore, the episode touched upon various projects and proposals within the LeoFinance community, including the utility of HBD (Hive Backed Dollars) and the philosophical and practical distinctions between different forms of cryptocurrency, such as utility coins vs. stablecoins.

The conversation emphasized the importance of Web3 and the necessity of populating it with rich, diverse data to ensure its growth and sustainability. Throughout the episode, Jon and Taskmaster encouraged the community to contribute more actively by creating content, engaging in discussions, and supporting the ecosystem's growth through participation and investment. They underscored the critical role community engagement plays in the evolution of the LeoFinance platform and the broader blockchain community.

Overall, this episode of the Cryptomaniacs podcast was a blend of humor, personal anecdotes, and insightful discussions on cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and the future of Web3. Jon and Taskmaster's banter made for an entertaining listen, while their exploration of topics such as LeoAI, tokenization, and community engagement provided valuable insights into the current state and future possibilities of the crypto industry.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.