A Socioeconomic Construct: The Easiest Way To Remain Poor

in LeoFinance11 months ago


A lot of people blame the lack of money for some of the problems they have, while sentimental illusion makes us focus on this, it's important to understand that when we apply logical reasoning to this, we'd see that money is not the problem, people are.

In some African societies, money is adored over every value. This is one tool that people compromise everything they hold dear for. This is why people will choose quick money over organic wealth.

This is mostly of a lazy mindset. Over here, people adore time, they want to do everything so timely forgetting that a person can be in their old age and achieve financial success too.

To be honest, being young is delicate

This is when you can get it right, or get it totally wrong

Young people here are more pressured; They're pressured into getting married earlier so that their parents can enjoy the wealth they never made in their lifetime.

They're pressured into becoming rich quickly, because of family responsibilities. This is why due process is never appreciated.

It's hard to boast about potential. African parents do not believe in building potential, it's either you make it or not, and this creates a dopamine of haste. Generational wealth in Africa is mostly difficult.

Made Or Born To Excel?

This is where a parent who never invested anything in their children, will expect them to become millionaires overnight, achieving the things they couldn't.

In reality, while anyone can go from zero to hero, we need to understand that when people are given the proper vestment or upliftment, their chances in life are automatically decreased.

When it comes to building generational wealth, the mindset of some African countries is still stunted. There are parents who give birth without making an effort to ensure that their kids have the opportunity to make it.

A Headstart Is Not Privilege

They don't understand that building a child with the right ingredients, guarantees not just their survival but allows them to thrive.

Young people in some African countries are pressured by cultural expectations and if they cannot financially meet up, they're always branded as failures, even if they were not given the tool, premise, or the right environment to help them grow.

This is why a lot of young people prioritize quick money, this is a ripple effect of the kind of socioeconomic environment in which they were born in.

I know people who never fulfilled their potential and this isn't because they were lazy, they wanted to first satisfy expectations that were placed on them, so much they lost themselves.

The older generations are often too expectant

It's difficult for them to acknowledge that they couldn't meet up to their own expectations, so what they mostly do is expect the younger generation to automatically do better even without giving them the right tools.

In this digitized age, it takes time to build anything substantial, but it's difficult to show efforts when the time you've put in cannot show or prove the potentiality of success.

In the Western world, growth and development are prioritized more than the intended success that's aimed to be achieved

In some African societies, people focus on the potentiality of the results, before they even move a muscle. Expectations kill when adequate preparations are not put in place, especially in a world where people prepare and the possibility of failure is still real.

The pressure of having to give back is that hardworking people are always stagnant.

It's like having one working borehole in a village, and Instead of someone being intuitive to establish another working borehole, the aim will be to drain the only working borehole and blame it for not having enough water to supply to others

The Sad Reality

A lot of African societies are like this, they kill their prospect before it even blossoms, harvest it before it reaches maturity, and blame it for not being enough to nurture them.

A lot of people will remain poor simply because of coming from the wrong economic background and not because they're not innovative or creative.

There's a fabric to how financial success can be built or sustained. This is why wealthy people want their children to always continue from where they stop.

Poverty can also be generational in this regard, except the present generation changes the narrative. A lot of people focus on the easiest way to make money, while ignoring the easiest ways to remain poor.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Beautiful post. I read it in one sitting. I agree with everything you wrote!! 👏🏻👏🏻😊

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

Yeah, we get lost trying to fulfill the expectations parents and other dominant people have of us and we lose ourselves in the process. And sadly for most people, there's no way to come back. No way to retrace so their stuck with a bunch of regrets. I think that's the saddest. Knowing that your regrets don't stem from what you did on your own volition but what people influenced you to do.

Expectation can be a silent killer. Some of us are not prepared enough for its dastardly impact. Potentials can grow only if expectations aren't there, but it's an African thing. You must succeed whether you're given the right avenue or not. It's a sad situation. However, it's difficult to establish change, it's just like an endless and continous loop.

I have learned a new slang recently which is "Jakpa" not sure if I get the spelling correctly but reading this article makes me want to Jakpa.

It is unfortunate at the end of the day the amount of pressure we go through to survive as Africans to be a success and when that success arrives, be prepared to be a host for parasites to feed off from. It is just pathetic how our society and culture have impacted this on us.

It's "Japa" hahaha it's a word we commonly use for those who are trying to travel abroad. It's actually no news that in Africa, people want to reap from where they didn't sow. It's parasitic. Sometimes, I imagine how differently I might have turned out if I came from a different background.

Oh yeah the noob in me couldn't spell it correctly.

It's actually no news that in Africa, people want to reap from where they didn't sow.

Very common with us in Africa it takes a lot of effort for me to keep cool about it because it works on my nerves.

Hahaha it's easy to spell it that way, unless you choose to spell it in a Yoruba way, since it's a Yoruba word.

Generally, that's how most African societies are, they're always wanting to reap where they didn't sow.

I tried to picture my life while reading through . Indeed most youths , and that includes me, tries to satisfy society even though we have not be given a satisfying platform for growth.

The older generation are the pressure generator, they just want result irrespective and neglect the process of building, and sometimes uses demand to suppress one's growth. So it's no longer about saving little , It becomes a rush on young people to become wealthy in a short time.

Every Nigerian who is a young person will definitely picture themselves in this situation and that's because we're family with this narrative. People are never allowed to grow, they just want to drain you before you even get to a stage of maturity. This is popular with the older generation.

That's true... So what solution can you proffer looking at the fact that one needs to keep a balance between satisfying them and growing ?

There's really nothing we can do, other than to keep hoping we do not become victims of unforeseen circumstances. Our mentality needs to change from the core, if not, we're still go to be like this.

That's unfortunate... We hope a time will come when everything would change for good

This is really want happens in our country where most people are eager for quick money due to frustration most times.

True, our socioeconomic environment often contributes to people's haste in the search for quick money

It's indeed a sad reality. The wings of the bird are cut short as soon as the bird starts to fly. The expectations that the old generation have on the youths is just crazy and the dependency is just too high. I think this is the pressure that many live with and not having the right tools to begin with further hinders the journey to wealth. It's going to take time and we'll have nothing much to show for it during the process.

People are not nurtured before undue expectations are being placed on them. This is very problematic. When people are pressure to succeed, they are forced to do unconventional things. Life's already competitive and difficult and this is why it's important for older generation to understand that due process is important. We're going to keep fighting this for a very long time.

Indeed. They try to rush things and this ends up doing more harm than good to them. Many youths who have great potential fall into it and a couple of them still never get out of the pressure to succeed. I'm hopeful that things could start changing in the next generation or the one after that.

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Thanks you there

How are you so young and have so much wisdom at your disposal, dearest Jose could you please kindly ‘delegate’ a little of your wisdom to me and I promise to use it well🥰🥰😃😂😂

Looool I am not so young, I'm 30. 😂 But then, the baby face can be deceptive, it's in the gene and all. Plus, if you want some, then come get some 😂😂😂

Lol is 30 old?

if you want some, then come get some 😂😂😂

On my way!! Vooomm!!!!

Crazy how things are going now. I was sad when I wrote this post as it tallies with what you've written.

The way people run after money is just heartbreaking. Though money is needed in life but getting it wrongly by sinking oneself into poverty because of what we will eat today is disheartening.

This generation isn't right. I don't what they are doing. I don't know how they think as their doings are atrocious. And knowing they will become fathers and mothers one day is alarming.

Well, people chase after money that much over here because of the kind of psychological environment we find ourselves in. In developed countries, people care about growth and development and some people here even do outrageous things because.

While I cannot make excuses for our generation, I tend to think that the things some people do is driven by the pressure and the fraustration they face.

The love of money is a killer. The more we crave it, the more we push ourselves into doing what isn't right.

Frustration is there and so is contentment to some extent.

It's sad that parents have eyed some professions as the only salvation to wealth here in Nigeria, neglecting the place of passion and talent.

Unfortunately there are parents who do not question the sources of wealth achieved sporadically by their children or wards.

If the process was fast, who would be poor? Young and old need to understand that the process to wealth is slow in most occasions

Thanks for sharing your insights. Being from the US, sometimes we end up in our own little echo chamber so it's nice to see financial perspectives from other parts of the world.

A lot of people don't really think about the future and they tend to just think about the present. It's too bad but I do agree that people should think more about it so they can change their lives. I am not African so I don't know the exact situation but that was my view and it's common even in the US.

Expectations from family and relations are the number one reasons why there are high rate of crime in Nigeria. Most of them do not care how you make the money all they want to see is results.

That is one it is good to block them all. If they think it's easy they should go and achieve it themselves. Let nobody pressure me biko🤣