Helping to correct my friends classification in Steem-Plus new steem sincerity anti spam feature

in #steemplus6 years ago (edited)

We had been using the @steem-plus chrome extension for quite a while and loving it.

Steemplus is a browser extension that adds plenty of features to your Steemit (mostly) , Busy and Utopian experience. You can find the complete list of features and installation procedure in our documentation.

Recently, steem-plus added a new feature for anti-spam that classify users into 3 categories. They are Human, Spammer and Bot. The API uses machine learning algorithm and relies on an initial set of training data. This sometimes result in inaccurate classification for some users. But, through voting, we can now help to correct the input and help steem-plus to learn with more precision.

Let's take a look at my feed and check out some of the wrongly classified users.


@ace108 - Maybe it is due to his robot profile icon that steem-plus sees him as a bot. 🙂
I know he uses some bots for stats and does alot of data extraction.

@kinakomochi - A Japanese steemians who blogs about many different things. Definitely a human. Not sure why steem-plus classify him as a bot. I will help him and give a vote as human.

@justyy - This is tricky. I know he is human. But he does alot of botty stuffs. Hey @justyy, do you prefer to stay as bot or human?

@yoshiko - 100% human. A Japanese community leader, @yoshiko is very active on the Steemit platform. She is always looking to grow the #japanese community. Let's show our support. I will cast a vote as human. steem-plus should correct this soon 🙂.


@childcare - A spammer?? No way! Another Japanese steemian who blogs frequently on cafe and coffee, our favourites! No way she is a spammer. I will vote human for her.

@goodboyphilip - I think it is because he uses very similar thumbnail in every post? A Hong Kong steemian who loves chasing idols. Definitely a human. Voted.


@jrvacation - Glad to know we are human. But still, 14.26% spammer? 😡😡

Are you using the @steem-plus plugin? Do you see any of your friends wrongly classified? Help them by voting!!


Thank you! 🌈🌈🌈 haha...I am absolutely human but not spammer. 😂😂😂 And post japan related stuff, as @jrvacation , we like japan things!😄😄😄

Yeah! You are one of the few steemians who is as crazy over Japan as we are 😄

I got classified as a spammer. How do i change this?

First, don’t spam
Second, don’t write short replies like “thank you”
Third, get your friends to help vote you as human.

Thanks for your response. I'm a little loss with the spam thing, all content i put on my page is my own or something i created. Especially the music videos that i directed and edited.

I am new to steem and my last 4 posts was similar in my video description from D-Tube, can somebody help me changing the pending to human. I voted myself as human but I guess this doesn't work. Steem still in beta but I know it will strive when ready! Thanks a lot for any vote for my human side :0Capture.PNG

my all posts and comments are showing pending. Please help

A very useful post for all members of steemit thanks for sharing @jrvacation

Thanks. You are welcome!

Not tried it yet.. trying to stay afloat as a plankton.. so havent explored much outside of SteemIt and Smartcash

Thank you for supporting japanese community. I resteemed this article.

Thanks for the support always!

The people on the list definitely not bots or spammers!

Hahaha yeah I know :)

Clueless! Very tech challenged. "Full head of dew water". :-)

It is just a browser plugin for chrome/firefox. You can try to download and use it steem-plus.
There are many good features that will aid your steemit experience.

Ok - Thanks! :-)

Thank you for introduction!

Hope you can remove the spammer status soon :)

I think it thinks people who likes data are bot:-) c'est la vie. theoretically, this plugin is some kind of bot.

Haha. Anyway I don't think many people uses this plugin.

thanks. please.. I am a 100% human. and like many others who use some kinda automatic stuffs e.g. steemauto, we are human.

Don't worry, people who know you will know you are 100% human. :)

lol bots and spammers. I am riding myself of all things Google so unfortunately I can't use this plugin.

I was surprised to hear that I am a BOT.
I appreciate your kindness to let me know.

Thank you for letting me know.
I am definitely not a bot. lol

Interesting, I haven't installed the extension. Am I classified as a human? 😀

Thanks for your post. I actually absolutely human, but I got more spammer. Even I'm human which no have spammy post. hehe

I agree that this is a great feature yes. BUT I dont think we can base ourself on the results. I have seen many false flags as well ...

Hi, I am a human too, currently classified as 46% spammer "pending" status. Please help fix my classification to be shown as "Human"! Thank you!

Im also having that problem, theyre listing me as a spammer. Can somebody help me by upvoting. Please!!!

my all posts and comments are showing pending. Please help