Are You satisfied on the steem Blockchain security system?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Are You satisfied on the steem Blockchain security system?

Some of us find ways to earn and a place to share our ideas and thoughts.
But sometimes their is a possibility of Leaked of personal information which can be used to create cyber crimes and be a victim of cyberhackers.

  • Yes, it is trustworthy and secure

  • No, It is trustworthy but not sure if it is secure and safe.

  • Maybe, because many netizens said that it is safe

Answer the question at


Voted for Yes, it is trustworthy and secure.

Voted for Maybe, because many netizens said that it is safe.

Voted for Yes, it is trustworthy and secure.

Voted for Yes, it is trustworthy and secure.

Voted for Yes, it is trustworthy and secure.

Voted for Yes, it is trustworthy and secure,No, It is trustworthy but not sure if it is secure and safe..

It is only never safe. All what you share on Steem can be traced even after you delete them!

Voted for Yes, it is trustworthy and secure.

Voted for Maybe, because many netizens said that it is safe.

Dear friend @junnel123 , along with my friend @crypto.piotr I want to ask you a big favor to help a noble cause with your VOTE for our friends of @steemchurch, it will only take you 3 minutes, you just have to vote for @steemchurch in this link:

I took this opportunity to ask you in favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through.

VOTE for @steemchurch

I hope this does not bother you. I'm sorry for changing the topic of the post.

Edgar .. !!!

Hi @junnel123

I just visited your account only to realize that you didn't post anything related to blockchain in quite some time. Did you lose your interest with this tech?


I am sure busy that I don't have time to study more about block chain. But I read some articles in Free time.

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