About the Women in our Lives

in Liketulast year


We tend to think of women as weaker, the ones who need more attention and care.
This is both right and wrong.

Women (same as humans) need to be respected, need to be cherished. There are moments in womens' lives that they need our attention more than anything. Like when they become mothers. Even though this makes them stronger, it is the time they need more affection and care.

Respect. We should start from respecting ourself, before we can respect other human beings or living creatures.

Believe. We need to believe in ourself, only then can we understand what is around us.

Change. We should not be afraid of change. There is always a way to start over. Dont stay where you are not valued.

Love. We deserve to be loved.

Together. Sometimes we just can not do it alone. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Dont be afraid to show your face. Breath in, Breath out.

You are stronger than you think and everything will be all right.

To the women .. who have inspired us so much that they are carved in our hearts and minds.
To the women, who got stronger as the days/years passed by.
To the women, who had to leave their homes.

To you, who are reading this.

One woman(person) can make a difference; but together, we can rock the world.

In these photos... street art from Heraklion Crete
A little snail that found the best way to go for a walk.
Little Penny who I met the first hours of her life and is now all grown up.
A ladybug who was not afraid to fly away, leaving the security of my hand.
A lady street art and..
Goddess of snakes who became goddess of roses :)

Thank you for reading me...

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Women (same as humans) need to be respected, need to be cherished. There are moments in womens' lives that they need our attention more than anything. Like when they become mothers. Even though this makes them stronger, it is the time they need more affection and care.

These are very true words; I have decided to tweet them.