From Stem to Sweetness: A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Sweet Potatoes from Cuttings

in HiveGarden10 months ago
This is the simplest method to grow sweet potatoes, and I'm excited to share it with all of you who are passionate about organic farming.

First, you'll need to cut a small part of the sweet potato branch. It's important that the branch is relatively mature as it will grow new roots. The cutting should be around 20 centimeters long.

Once you have collected some parts of a sweet potato branch, the first step is to wash them thoroughly and remove any excess leaves. Afterward, soak the branch cuttings in a glass of water for a week.

To ensure the sweet potato stems and roots stay clean and odorless, make sure to change the water in the glass every second day.

After more than a week of soaking the sweet potato stems, you can plant them in the desired location. It's essential to ensure that the planting area is free from small or large stones, as well as wood, to allow the roots to move and the new sweet potato to grow unrestrictedly.


These are good recommendations, I have never planted sweet potato but when the time comes I will remember your advice, thank you. @kennyroy

Your welcome sis... ^_^ Thank you so much...