Coronavirus Hysteria, Experts Say not Worse than Flu, Drug Treatment Suppressed to Push Vaccine, an Engineered Non-Threat?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

The fear and hysteria going around the virus is something that people should consider. The psychological factor to have people fear dying is strong, and complying with government measures to bring more control over society through imposed economic hardships and then "relief packages" that get funded by taxpayers, creating more debt slavery for us all while the banksters profit and further increase the economic gap and impoverishment of the population.

Here are some recent videos to try to make sense of things.

Is this bio-engineered to take down Western nations' economies? Maybe.
Is it natural or engineered, and the media/governments are following an agenda to further bring economic control over the populations? Maybe.
Is it being hyped by the media to generate fear for political or economic gains? Definitely.

Check these out.



Coronavirus Update - ENGINEERED? Dr. Paul Cottrell and Stefan Molyneux

SMOKING GUN: China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From U.S.

Best course of action that should be taken (IMO)?

Isolate the elderly and those with breathing issues or weakened immune systems.
Let everyone else deal with it and become immune.
Treat those that develop severe symptoms with a working drug already being used in hospitals with 0 deaths: chloroquine.

I thought isolation for everyone was practical to stop the spread. Does everyone isolate themselves every year to stop the cold/flu from spreading? No. Yet there are thousands of deaths each year from those. The isolation doesn't affect me at all, as I'm an introvert/hermit so nothing changed for me in my daily life.

The earlier Imperial College "predictions" of a high number of deaths from a "model" has been retracted from the author, saying they were wrong. It's all gotten hyped up. People can go about their lives, and we just need to get those vulnerable to respiratory issues to be isolated to prevent them from dying (as they would have been at risk of from the flu/cold anyways), not the whole population.



Excellent report, it will upset the snowflakes and the sheeple, keep up the good work

Yup pretty much where things are going. :/

Your perspective is unpopular. It does not mean it should not be spoken.

For now we do what we must.

A friend linked this video to me earlier. I'm convinced that whether on purpose or not, the globalists are using it as a cover for an economic reset and possible takeover.