Plastic Apocalypse? High Microplastic Levels in Children, a Macro-problem

in #health5 years ago (edited)

Plastic pollution is a known problem in our environment. And now it's been documented to polluting the environment of our bodies as well. Microplastics are found in human stool, and new reports show high levels in the blood and urine of children.


A new study from the German Environment Ministry and the Robert Koch Institute reported on these findings, which Der Spiegel published last weekend.

Out of 2,500 children tested from 2014 to 2017, 97% of them had traces of microplstics in their blood and urin.

"Our study clearly shows that plastic ingredients, which are rising in production, are also showing up more and more in the body. It is really worrying that the youngest children are most affected as the most sensitive group."

It's not just plastics, but all the chemicals being used and then dumped down the drain into the water waste and therefore out environment. Seriously, humans, are we so stupid as to think the toxic or poisonous chemicals we use to clean our living areas and then goes down the drain, would never affect us? We are so dumb.

On substance is perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), used in cleaning products, waterproof clothing, food packaging, and cooking utensils. It's a dangerous chemical toxic to the liver. EU is banning it next year.

"It can not be that every fourth child between the ages of three and five is so heavily burdened with chemicals that long-term damage cannot be reliably ruled out," said Hoffmann, adding that "the Federal Government must make every effort to protect people from harmful chemicals."

Companies make shit, and just want to sell products that are convenient. They don't think, much less care, about negative health effects. Look at Monsanto and RoundUp for one example. But it's everywhere.

Make products that people want to buy, and people will buy it thinking society has "protections" that make sure products are safe to us. But we've just been slowly poisoning our planet and ourselves. Can we at least reduce our attachment to plastic? I sure try to buy things without plastic.



Just this afternoon my son and I were talking about this very thing. He suggested making some cloth bags to be used for buying items in bulk, like dry beans and rice, wheat, oats and flours. That is a worthwhile project and we have a few stores in our area that sell bulk bin items.

It's alarming to think how much goop we have clogging up our bodies and to then think we are simply shoveling it in to our kids....well, that's tragic.

Yes, you can make them, or buy them. I use Tupperware which I won't buy anymore, or the fabric bags that are resused at an organic store that sells things in bulk. Way to go on the change ;)

Tupperware was always a staple in our home as well and I inherited a large quantity from my mother. I remember they used to have Tupperware parties held in each others homes lol. Funny, I hadn't thought of that in years :)

That is so worry this is what the climate revolution should be focusing on in my opinion 💯🐒

This is a major factor being focused on in the climate change movement. The biggest target is also the fossil fuel companies who are a key factor in the plastic industries. There is no single issue to be focused on when dealing with climate change and pollution. There are many lanes that are being covering.

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Great post @krnel, this post was submitted into the HoboDAO contest #6 by


Great post, we really need to turn the tide against plastic usage!

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